chapter 2

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"COME ON!!! GET UP!!! IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP" my dad yelled running up the stairs.He came into my room and saw that I was still in bed.

"We don't have time to sleep a little more today, I'm sorry but we're already really late." He got out of the room in a rush.

I opened my eyes and I saw the sun shining, it made me in a good mood.

"You're still in bed !?" He said with a smile. "I set your outfit in the bathroom, I want you downstairs in 5 minutes. Good luck." He said with a smirk.

I quickly got out of my bed and run into the bathroom.

I put my pants and shirt on. I brush my teeth and run downstairs to put my shoes on.

"Are you ready ?" My dad asked as he prepared breakfast. He turned his head to look at me "OMG, no you're not ready I forgot to do your hair! This is a disaster!"

"Calm down you know it's okay we still have plenty of time before leaving" I said as he kept on rambling about how many things he still had to do.

He stopped talking and took a deep breath.

"You know what you're right and this is a good day, I have to stop worrying about everything, I have nothing to worry about."

He sat down and pulled me onto his lap, he looked at me and kissed my cheek.

"You're just 7 and you never fail to amaze me. Please stay the way you are, stay true to yourself, because if you do that you'll make it far in life, I don't want you to change. Can you do that for me ?" He asked not looking away from me once.

"I will" I whispered and he held me tight.

We stayed like this for a couple more minutes after he pulled away

"Okay, okay that's enough for today, I still have to do your hair and we have to take breakfast."

I ate breakfast while he was brushing my hair.

"Here you go" he took me in front of the mirror. "So ? How is it, do you like it ? Did I improve since last year ?" He said happily.

"I don't mean to hurt your feelings but mommy was better than you with my hair, you made one bunch higher than the other one." I said laughing at him.

"I don't care you'll still be cuter than everybody else don't worry about that"he laughed.

"Come on, it's time to leave, if we get out of here now we can be right on time" he said taking my hand. He closed the door and he walked me to school like every morning. It was a 10 minute walk.

Sometimes when we were early he would brought donuts for breakfast and we would eat them on the way.

We arrived 10 minutes later and I didn't want to let go of his hand.

"Do you think I'll make friends ?"

I asked him. The only friend I made in school moved to Tenesse and I never had news about her since last year.

"Do you remember what I said this morning ?"

"Of course"

"Then you have nothing to worry about, people will love you the way you are, you have something in you that makes you wonderful and if you use it against people they'll like you. So be happy, go in there and make you some friends, keep them as long as you can and life we'll be easier."

"I love you" I said and he said it back.

"Have a nice day honey, I will come get you tonight, hopefully on time" he kissed my forehead and stood up.

"Thank you, have a nice day too"

I begin to walk and turn around to see my dad still looking at me with a proud smile on his face I waved to him and continued to walk into the school.

I took a deep breath and enter the school. I can do it I said to myself.
So I walk inside and look around.

"Hello and welcome here. I'm your teacher this year, I'm Mrs. Smith. What's your name ?" She said with a smile.

"My name is Tessa" I replied.

"Perfect, now follow me, we're going  to visit the school when everyone will be there. Don't worry everyone is new here since it's everybody's first year in primary school, and maybe you'll find a friend that you had last year, who knows" she said.

She lead me to a group of students, they were all talking and laughing with their friends.

"Well a new student has arrived and her name is Tessa, stay here and while i'm going to see if more people arrived." And with that she left.

She came back a few minutes after bringing 3 other students.

"Now that you are all here we can start the visit"  so that's what we did for 15 minutes.

As we enter our classroom she said our names in order to place us.

"Tessa, you'll be next to Tristan" I didn't who he was so I just went to my place and he joined me a few seconds later.

He sat next to me and put his books on his table,he was finally done and id isn't realize I was starring at him until smile at me and I smiled back.

"Hi, my name's Tristan I already know your name Tessa, how old are you ?"

"I'm 7, what about you ?"I asked

"I'm 7 too. I'm going right to the point : do you want to be my friend ? "

"Sure I don't have any friends here, do you have friends here ?"

"Yeah, Kayla and Kai are my best friends they think i'm funny. Do you think I'm funny, I hope I'm funny..." he said looking at me I laughed and he laughed too.

It was lunch break and Tristan introduced me to his friends, and we talked a lot.

We had to presents ourselves to our classmates.

Everybody told their favorite things to do,  I remember that Kayla loves gymnastics, Kai loves to take pictures, and Tristan loves drawing he showed us his creations and they were beautiful.

I told them that I love dancing, expressed how I was feeling whenever I was dancing and Mrs. Smith told me that I had a passion, I asked her what was that but she just told me that I should never give up and that in a year or two I will understand this word.

The day passed quickly and it was already time to leave.

"Dad !" I screamed as I hugged him he was waiting for me just like he said this morning.

"Well you're very happy, how was your first day at primary school ?"

"It was amazing, you can't imagine, I already made 3 friends and one of them is my best friend ! And I made a drawing for you."

"You see I told you, you were gonna enjoy it, and make friends, it's not complicated." He took my hand in his and we walked home.

I went to bed thinking about how good today was, i'm glad I made friends and now I just have to keep them forever.

We had a lot in common, I love each and every one of them and they loved me too.

Wow,I'm glad to call them my friends.

I thought to myself as I closed my eyes.

I hope you enjoy this chapter I never wrote fan fictions before so I don't know if this is good or not I just hope you like it. 💕

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