Chapter 13

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A/N hey everyone I am sorry it's taken me so long to update. I've been having a lot of writers block lately but I trying to get these chapters done as fast as possible. I hope you are all still enjoying this!!


Vodran was a terrible planet it was teaming with criminals, traitors, and First Order soldiers. Kylo had always hated being here. It was always too humid for his taste. It was definitely worse that the near freezing temperatures of space. Something about the cold expanse of space made him realize that the only place he ever truly felt at peace was on Chandrila, his home. He missed the ocean, the rolling hills, he missed being care free. So much of himself had been lost to the darkness that even if he did return to the beautiful planet he wouldn't feel the same.

Kylo, Finn and Poe had made their way from the outskirts of the town to the first order camp just as the sun dipped below the horizon. He had hope that with the setting sun it would be cooler, but the awful weather didn't falter. He glanced over at the two men walking alongside him. He never thought that he would be walking alongside two rebels about to sneak into the First Order to save a Jedi. It was a strange sensation but one he was starting to enjoy a tiny bit, not that he would admit that to anyone. As a child, children seemed to shy away from him even Poe didn't last long once he was old enough to fly. As an adult Kylo alienated everyone. The First Order wasn't exactly a family where one could sit and make friends.

"We need to find a supply shuttle, we can hide below deck after they load the cargo." Kylo tried to make himself sound less like the Supreme Leader and more like a friend, not that he had much experience in that.

"That shouldn't be a problem, can't you just I don't know, use your mind tricks to make them look somewhere else, or see a flying Wookie" Finn looked up and asked

"In my experience, Wookies only fly ships and it's not quite as simple as you think I don't just wave my hand a make people do as I please" Kylo stated in exasperation, he didn't think these two would understand what he meant.

"Could have fooled me" Finn replied "I remember the way you made the troopers do anything you wanted, it wasn't like you asked"

Kylo's answer surprised everyone, including himself "I'm sorry FN, uh, Finn, I wasn't a person anyone would want to work for and I realize that. I also realize that I caused you all a lot of pain. There isn't anything I can do to change that but know that I do appreciate you helping me now."

"Woa there Mr. Sentiment" Finn laughed

Kylo glared at him. He knew he shouldn't apologize to this traitor. It was the nature of war for soldiers to get hurt, for those in command to control their troops by whatever means necessary.

"Ren, its ok, honestly" Finn looked at him again, this time he didn't smile. "I understand why you did what you did, I never met the Supreme Leader, I'm sure you were just following orders. It wasn't just you, there was Phasma, and Hux, he was the worst kind of person. A psychopath. He won't stop until he has control of the Galaxy."

"If you two are done kissing and making up we've got to get to the shuttle" Poe said both men turned to glare at him. "What? You two are having such a heartfelt make up session I really don't mean to intrude but there's only one shuttle left, and they're finished loading it." Poe turned to face the shuttle in front of them.

The single trooper guarding the shuttle was easy to sway and as Finn had implied Kylo simply waved his hand and the trooper dismissed himself. Now all they had to do was wait. Thankfully the cargo hold was big enough that the three men weren't sitting in each other's laps, unfortunately it was still too small for any real privacy. The task of waiting now would surely drive Kylo to insanity. He wasn't used to being around people for so long let alone being stuck in a tiny space with two men he still was unsure about. Finn and Poe sat and bickered about whether or not it would be easier to steal a tie fighter or just blow of the reactor from the inside. Kylo sat and stewed. He wanted to be anywhere but here. He silently reached with his mind to Rey. She was probably asleep, but he hoped that she would be awake.

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