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Hi fellow Reylo citizens. I apologize profusely for not updating this sooner. I hope everyone is still enjoying. We're coming to the end of this story but I have a few more in the works. Love you all!



"Rey, I can't carry the both of you, we have to leave him" He stated plainly. He knew she wouldn't give up that easily, but he wasn't going to risk her life to bring home a body. She was the priority whether she liked it or not.

"I am not leaving him here Ben Solo" she spat at him, her emotions were fluctuating so quickly that he could barely keep up.

"Rey, please we don't have time" he sank down in front of her trying to level with her, but he could see in her eyes her mind was made up.

"Finn, come in whats going on down there" Poe' s voice echoed though the communicator.

"Poe its Kylo" Rey glared at him as he said that name. "I mean Ben, Finn didn't make it, Hux shot him" Kylo glanced at Rey again briefly she was crying again. He wanted to comfort her, to hold her and let her cry until she felt better, but now was not the time he needed to get them out first.  "Poe get going on the cannons, Rey and I will get up to the hangar and radio Chewie, did you take out as many ships as you could?"

"Kriff,I hope that Hux bastard is dead, did you find Rey? The Hangar is a mess but I've got one Tie fighter left I can't leave til you're up here hurry up"

"Yes, I have her, she's been shot, we need to get her to the Falcon." Ben reached forward and scooped Rey up. She struggled against his grip, but he only held her tighter.

"Ben stop, we can't leave him here, put me down" she slammed her fists against him, but he continued to walk forward, she would probably never forgive him for leaving Finn but there was no other option. "Kylo Ren put me down or I swear to the Force I will make you" She shouted, and he stopped in his tracks. She had never called him by that name and as it rolled off her tongue he felt nothing but disgust at the sound of it. Finally, he set her back on her feet, he didn't move, almost didn't breathe. That name it was the representation of all his failures, of his continued failure, he was a monster Kylo Ren was the last person he wanted to be. Rey didn't move she looked up at him, reading the emotions that were surely plastered to his face. He looked away, the guilt of everything filled him and he couldn't look her in the eyes.

"Ben" She whispered. "Ben I'm sorry, I just can't leave him"

"Rey," he finally looked at her, searching her eyes for something, anything that proved she didn't hate him "you can barely walk, I need to protect you, I cannot do that and carry him, Finn wouldn't want you to risk your life this way, you know he wouldn't" he wasn't used to begging let alone begging a woman, but he didn't know how else to convince her. She ripped a piece of the wraps around her arms away and made a make shift tourniquet around her leg. He watched her wince at the pain, but she took several breaths and her pained expression disappeared from her face.

"I will manage, please Ben, please help me" she reached for his hand trying to convince him.

He gave an exasperated sigh before he answered. "Fine but if it comes down to it I will protect you first." She smiled at him and all of his annoyance at her suddenly dissolved. He lifted Finn and slung him over his shoulder and marched ahead of her, slowing slightly so she could keep up, this was going to be interesting.

The Hangar was beyond recognition. Poe had certainly done his job. Ben set Finn against some boxes and pulled out the communicator Rey had given him.
"Chewie were in the hangar can you get to us?" Chewie's response came though the communicator and both Rey and Ben frowned. Chewie was trying to escape several tie fighters and with no co-pilot or gunner he had to jump to light speed back to Dantooine.

"Kriff" Rey swore "now what" Ben could tell she was losing a lot of blood despite the wrap on her leg she swayed foward a little bit and he reached over to steady her.

"Poe, do you copy where are you" Ben spoke into Finns communicator now. He handed Rey back his fathers. She frowned slightly but took it.

"I'm here whats up?" Poe answered

"Chewie couldn't stick around he had to jump back to Dantooine, there were too many Tie Fighters and he had no gunner, we're on our own. You've got to get out of here and blow the cannons, Rey and I will find a shuttle or something," He glanced at Rey who only nodded assuming you didn't destroy them all"

"All right, but you better get your asses off that ship otherwise this was a waste of time."

Ben scanned the hangar, his eyes settling on the only remaining shuttle. It was Hux's personal shuttle. Perfect he thought. He lifted Finns body and started forward, Rey was barely moving forward. He rushed up the ramp of the shuttle and placed Finn on the ground before turning to get Rey. She was slumped over some boxes trying to stand up again. Behind her Ben could see Storm Troopers making their way through the wreckage towards her. He felt fear grip his heart as he raced towards her. Rey was nearly unconscious by the time he had her in his arms. He heard the shots being fired one hit his shoulder and he nearly dropped Rey. Finally, he got to the shuttle and set Rey next to Finn. Thankfully this shuttle was built for one pilot, Hux had used it for his own personal conquests and preferred to have as much privacy as possible. Gross, Ben thought to himself, he would need several showers in a refresher after touching anything in here. He pulled the shuttle out of the bay.

"Poe we're out do it now"

Behind him he could hear the recognizable screech of his own Tie Slicer. Ben frowned, of course Poe had taken that one. He didn't see the explosion, but he felt it as shock waves slammed against the shuttle propelling them forward. He gripped the steering rig trying to keep the shuttle level.

"That was the coolest thing ever, this ship is so badass" Poe yelled through the shuttle com system.

"I'm glad you're having fun, don't get comfy that ship is still mine" Ben responded, he smiled at Poe's enthusiasm. The two of them had always loved flying they at least had that in common still. "I'm making the jump, we'll meet you back on Dantooine"
"See you there, Ben" Poe responded. Ben watched as the slicer disappeared and he set the coordinates before making the jump to follow. He put the ship in auto pilot before heading back to where he had left Rey and Finn. Rey was awake, she had Finn's head in her lap, she wasn't crying but Ben could tell she wanted to.

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