6 Months Later

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Well. In 6 months, Yoongi changed, but (Y/N) was broken. He couldn't function. He wouldn't eat, sleep, or talk much. Yoongi tried to do anything he could to help his lover get better, but nothing ever truly worked. BTS noticed the shift in (Y/N). He would still cry himself to sleep,but Yoongi always made sure to be there, at home with his boyfriend. If he couldn't come home, he would bring (Y/N) to the company, so (Y/N) could sleep on the couch in Yoongi's studio. Yoongi never realized how much his actions could truly hurt his significant other. He tried and tried to fix what he had done, but he practically ruined his partner. (Y/N) had become anorexic. He turned to self harm and drinking to make himself feel better about the eating disorder he had developed. He was so scared that Yoongi was gonna leave him for being so clingy, he didn't talk to Yoongi for 2 weeks and didn't acknowledge his existence hardly at all. Yoongi just wants his boyfriend to be better, he wants to reverse the damage he done to his relationship. But, let's face it, nothing is that easy. Will (Y/N) forgive his boyfriend? Or will things manage to get even worse than they were before.

∆•ANXIETY•∆ {Min Yoongi x Male! Reader}Book 2Where stories live. Discover now