I'm Here, Baby

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Yoongi P.O.V

I rushed to the recovery center after practice this morning. I ran to my boyfriend's room and he was in my clothes. He had on a white mask and he was curled up in a ball on his bed, head resting on the wall. "Baby?"

His head perked up and I hear immediate sobs. "Yoongi-Hyung.. Get me out of here already please. I never want to see this place again.."

I walked up to him and hugged him. I played with his hair and whispered in his ear. "Put away your tears...We can talk more when we get home, just not here, Jagi.."

He nodded and we grabbed his things. the nurses gave me the guide to care for him. I'll read over it when we get home, I just want to know that he is okay and that nothing bad happened while he was away from me. I got everything loaded in my car and got in. I held (Y/N)'s hand and smiled. He already looks better. His skin has some colour and his cheeks aren't sunken in. The car ride home was silent. (Y/N) didn't say anything, he just looked out of the window, like he was watching something happen over and over again. I sighed as we entered the driveway to our apartment complex. I parked my car and was surprised that I didn't have to help (Y?N) do somethings like I used to. He carried his own bag and when we went inside he was able to go up and down the stairs like he was once able to. 

As I was waiting for him to come back down, I decided to read the care sheet they gave me. 

'He must have 3 meals a day and at least 2 snacks. He may exercise, but not too much. Tracking what his food and exercise is a big help. Once he gets to a healthy weight, it must be made sure that he takes care of himself from there on.'

I nodded as I read. I was worried when he hadn't come down yet, so I went upstairs to check on him. I heard sobbing through the door and opened it. (Y/N) was holding a shirt and crying into it. I walked p and sat next to him. "Baby.. what's wrong?"

"I don't want this shirt. I want it out of this house." He had sadness and anger laced in his voice.

"Why? What happened?" I was purely confused and as I looked at him he just shook his head. When something is too painful to say, he writes it down and allows me to read it. He took a sketchpad from our nightstand and wrote on it, then handing to to me. 'Last night, a girl from the female wing came into my room. She pulled down my pants and done things... I tried to push her off but I was too tired and weak to do so. She pinned my hands down. I couldn't make noise or do anything, it felt like. No nurse done anything. I'm not even sure that any nurses were watching my wing. I was in that shirt and she wiped something on that shirt. I relive that when i see that shirt.'

I looked at my boyfriend in disbelief. "Baby, we need to do something. Could you recognize her if you saw her, or heard her voice?" I'm not letting some bitch get away with doing this. Those nurses weren't doing their jobs.

He nodded. "I heard her voice... I couldn't see her.."

"What did she say? She can repeat it and that will help." I held him in my arms, stroking his hair, not realizing I have tears of my own running down my face.  I can't help but feel this is my fault too, I sent him there to get better and he ended up getting hurt by something worse.

"She mentioned being there for a year a-and she wanted some a-a-action.." He shivered at the word action. 

I held him close and I managed to calm us both down. I kissed his forehead and went downstairs. I decided to call Namjoon because I really don't know what to do about this. "Namjoon."

"What, Hyung? Shouldn't you be taking care of your boyfriend?"

"Speaking of him, he was fucking raped at the recovery center!" I almost yelled, but I tried to stay quiet since my Angel was upstairs still. 

"What? By who?" He sounded as though he had been offended by my words, but I could hear the anger in his voice as well.

"A horny ass girl on the female ward. He could recognize her voice and he knows that she's been there for a year." I started shaking, thinking of what was done to my boyfriend. 

"We can't tell the police, it will go viral and everything will get worse as far as fake news goes." I could basically hear the defeat in his voice. 

"This is such a shitty time. I'll call you later." He didn't say anything else, I just heard the line go dead.

I sat on the couch. I can't do anything without drawing more publicity to us. I hate this. I sighed and went back to my room. (Y/N) was asleep. I need to make sure that he eats so I brought some food to him and woke him up. "Eat up, I still want you healthy." 

He smiled, causing me to smile, something I can only do around him at this point. "Yoongi, stay in here with me. I heard your phone call with Namjoon. I know we can't do anything, I can just say that karma is a bitch." He began to eat and I didn't dare ask what he meant.

"Baby, I'm sorry that I can't do anything to get justice for you." Guilt and anger at myself rose up as a lump in my throat. 

He shook his head once again. "I understand, I'm here at home with you. I couldn't ask for more. I want to stay here and never go back there. Please, let me stay here."

"you can stay here. I'm never leaving you anywhere. I'll let you go to work, but I will always come to visit you at work. I'll let you come to the studio on your days off, anything."

He smiled, "I love you, Hyung. We can fix this."

I was smiling too until I got a phone call, I checked it. It was my manager.

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