Can't Stand It

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Yoongi P.O.V.

I hate today. We have a concert and we have to go to the stage practice right after we take (Y/N) to the recovery center. I have to tell the fans what's happening so no more fake news goes around. It's 5:30am. I already have my boyfriend's stuff packed. I shake and my lip wobbles when I look at it. I really don't want to take him there. I hurt him enough 6 months ago, I don't want to do it more. This only happened because of me anyways. I sighed as Isat up in bed and I looked over at my sleeping boyfriend. He looks peaceful, but he also looks dead. His weight has caused him to look nearly dead. You have to look really close to see him breathe. I traced his body and felt the bones. A tear fell down my face. If I had simply seen the signs 6 months ago, none of this would have happened and we could have been happy. He could have been healthy...

I felt a shuffle next to me and I quickly wiped away the tear on my face. "Hyung.."

I heard a low growl come from OY/N)'s stomach. "Hungry, (Y/N)-ah?"

He sleepily nodded and weakly smiled at me. I sighed and helped him get out of bed. I carried him down the stairs and the boys had left a big breakfast for us. There was a note that basically told us to be safe and that they wish (Y/N) a fast recovery. (Y/N) felt good today so he was able to fix himself his own plate of breakfast. It was more than what he would usually eat, and to my surprise he ate it all. I could tell he just wanted to go get some Soju out of the fridge, but he didn't allow himself to. I would guess he wanted to get settled in while he was sober. 

Once breakfast was finished I got his stuff to my car and we both got in. I held my boyfriend's hand and looked him in the eyes. "Baby, making you do this is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I just want you to be better and then we can work on everything else, but right now I want to put your health first."

I sniffled and (Y/N) kissed me. "Hyung, I want to fix us, but you are right; we need to fix me first. I love you and we can do this. I'll miss you. I know you'll try to come everyday, but you are a working idol and I understand that. I'll be okay.."

We soon got to the center and (Y/N) checked in. He settled in and we agreed I'd come to see him the next day.

*Middle of the concert*

I picked up my microphone and tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. "ARMY... I have to tell all of you something." Everything in the concert hall got quiet. "A lot of you have heard some fake news about my boyfriend and I splitting up. It is not true. We had a rough time 6 months ago. His health has not been *hiccup* well.. He was put into an eating disorder recovery clinic this morning and it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I already miss him. The bed is going to be lonely tonight, but I know this will be best in the long run. I don't want to ramble too much. I just want you guys to know the truth." I didn't realize tears started streaming down my face and Hoseok hugged me. The show must go on. 

*Time skip to Yoongi at home*

I sat in bed. I rocked back and forth shaking, holding a pillow. "It's my fault that he's not here with me... I miss him... Bring him back..."

I was having a little breakdown of my own until my phone began to ring. It's the recovery center. "Hello?"

"Yes, hello. Mr. Min, your boyfriend is seriously homesick. Could you possibly stay here with him tonight? I"m not sure he can handle being alone right now."

"Yes. I'll be right over."

I hurriedly packed my own things and drove to the center. I rushed to his room, only to see him crying, curled up in a ball on his bed. He had a feeding tube and an oxygen tank in the corner. "(Y/N)?"


I ran to his bed and held him in my arms. "They called me saying I needed to be here with you, so here I am." I traced the tube on his face.

He suddenly panicked. "Hyung. I don't want you to see me like this. I look awful."

I shushed him. "You look as though you are getting the correct treatment. You need to sleep. We can talk more in the morning. "

He just sighed and nodded. I laid down next to the wall. He snuggled into me, his back facing me; so the feeding tube wouldn't go anywhere or hurt him. I soon heard his light snoring and fell asleep like he did.

∆•ANXIETY•∆ {Min Yoongi x Male! Reader}Book 2Where stories live. Discover now