No More

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3rd P.O.V.

The two males sat in silence in their apartment. (Y/N) healed and thought about how to tell Yoongi while Yoongi worked from home instead of going to the studio. Finally he just decided to tell him. (Y/N) went to his boyfriend and sat down. "Yoongi... We need to have a serious talk."

The older male's blood ran cold as he heard those words. "Okay. Then let's talk."

(Y/N) took a deep breath as he looked his boyfriend in the eyes. "I think... We need a break. A long one. We need to fix ourselves. I'll always have your number. You'll always have mine. I'll still be there for you, we just need to take some time away from each other. I need to heal. You need to heal. It hurts me to say this. {And it hurts me to write this. My stomach actually aches as I write these words.} But, we need to seperate for a while." Tears swelled up in his eyes while Yoongi was still processing what was said. 

"I...I understand. How long of a break are we talking?" Yoongi's voice was full of hurt and anger at himself. 

"Until I send you a certain book and you send it back to me." (Y/N) couldn't look the other male in the eyes. 

"Okay..." Yoongi couldn't cry. His entire body felt numb.

"Yoongi, can I keep your sweater? You can keep my hoodie..." (Y/N)'s voice shook as he spoke, obviously hurting.

"Yes, of course."

(Y/N) went and got his things packed. He brought his stuff to the living room and kissed Yoongi one last time before leaving to begin a journey of self healing. 

Yoongi felt as though his entire world crashed down. He knew something would eventually happen, and that this is probably the best for the both of them, but he doesn't want this to be it. He wants to marry the man he loves and have a family. Maybe that can still happen. Or maybe it will be too late by the time they reach out for each other once again. 

∆•ANXIETY•∆ {Min Yoongi x Male! Reader}Book 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt