The War Within

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Rushing through the flashes of the past to let go of strikes of rigorous pain each jolt of the memory brought with it together

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Rushing through the flashes
of the past to let go
of strikes of rigorous pain
each jolt of the memory
brought with it together.

The heart thinks
it deserves the cracks,
the world bestowed upon it,
the wild waves of emotions
too overwhelming to be bearable,
and the mind fails to decipher
the thunders of thoughts thrashing
and clashing against one another,
the sirens of the world’s words
blaring off even when asleep.

But what the over-feeling heart
and the over-thinking mind fails
to grasp amidst the war they’ve
been spinning around and around
is that they do not have to be at war
for there are hearts out there who
feel for them and minds out there
who think of them since the first
ray of sun breaks through until
the last drop of the sun dips into
the darkening sky.

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