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I never believed in coincidencesfor they seemed to be a partof a fantasy world where soulsconnected like a constellation of starsand stayed together for an eternity until they burned out and faded away

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I never believed in coincidences
for they seemed to be a part
of a fantasy world where souls
connected like a constellation of stars
and stayed together for an eternity
until they burned out and faded away.

I never believed in coincidences
for they seemed to be part of
something that only felt like
a glimpse of a reality
that could never ever be real.

I never believed in coincidences
for they seemed to be a part of
the faraway skies,
and I knew that no matter
how much I tried to reach it,
I would ever be able to hold it.

But then your heart reached out to mine,
the stars of our souls connected without
any hesitation and I knew it since then
that we were a constellation that would
burn brighter than all
the stars in the sky combined.

eternally ephemeral [ poetry & prose ]Where stories live. Discover now