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"Mr Stan your interview at 2 PM with Ava Thomas she's here." Maria said to Sebastian as he sat at his desk.

"Oh right send her in." Sebastian said to his assistant 

"Actually Ms. Johansson says she would like to speak with you before you do the interview." Maria said 

"Ok let her in then." Sebastian said

Scarlett walked in and said "You better not screw this interview up Seb. Ava is one of my oldest and dearest friends and you are going to behave yourself cause I'm going to be sitting right here in this chair next to her." 

"How in the world can I screw up an interview. I don't need a chaperone it's my freaking company." Sebastian said hastily

"I know it's your company that's why I suggested you interview. She's a damn good lawyer and she's smart did her law degree at Harvard. That's why I suggested her to you cause you need her for this company so don't screw it up Seb. No flirting no sexual inuendos none of your playboy bullshit with her." Scarlett said to him

"ok Scarlett. Remind me to fire you later for being disrespectful to your boss." Sebastian said with a laugh

He pushed the button on his phone and said "Maria send in Ms Thomas." 

He couldn't understand why Scarlett was harping on him so bad about Ava till she walked through the door then he realized very quickly why Scarlett was being the way she was. Ava walked in with a pair of black dress pants a white fitted shirt and beaded bracelet tanned big blue eyes and red hair that was curled. All he whispered  "Please stay Scarlett I don't think I can behave." She smiled and said "Told you I would." 

"Hi I'm Ava Thomas." She said as she smiled and he saw dimples. 

"Hi I'm Sebastian Stan. Please take a seat." He was able to get out when he seen her dimples.

She sat down and crossed her legs. He opened up her file folder and said "3 years at the business you worked for LA. I spoke with them yesterday and that had nothing but great things to say about you Ms Thomas. So um I just have a few questions to ask you if that's ok." 

"Yeah that's fine." She said 

"I need to know if you have anything keeping you from working long hours for like those times we are working on a big deal with potential clients." He said to her 

"I'm free. No significant other or kids nothing is holding me back from having flexible hours." She said.

Sebastian had to take a drink of his water when she said flexible cause he was avoiding that word. He said "Ok great next question. I don't know if they did this at the company you work for in LA but here I really like for my lawyer to be in the business meetings with us are you comfortable with that?" 

"Yeah that is perfectly fine with me. I think that is good business strategy actually I learned in business law that having your lawyer in the room as terms are being discussed is the best thing to do cause then you know that you are not getting screwed over when it comes to signing day and you will know right off hand if it's a good idea or not cause the lawyer is right there instead across town. Having your lawyer work within the same building is the best strategy I feel." She said 

Sebastian swallowed hard at how unbelievably smart and gorgeous this girl sitting in front of him. "you are amazing." slipped out of his mouth

"Sebastian." Scarlett said 

"Sorry I um can you start tomorrow?" He said 

"Yes I can start tomorrow." She said with a smile 

"Great. I'm going show you to your office." He said as he stood up.

Ava stood up and smoothed out her pants and followed him through a door that was in his office. He said "This a mini break room that connects my office to your office." She walked into her office and looked around. Scarlett said "See told you. She is the exact lawyer we need for this company." 

"She's perfect." He said as he stared at her. Scarlett elbowed him in the stomach and said "Stop it she's not one of those girls you can play around with Seb. She's a good girl and doesn't deserve a fuck boy." 

Ava didn't hear them as they were whispering so she leaned up against her desk and said "So what time do I need to be here in the morning?" 

"oh right. You need to be at 8 in the morning and you get off at 5. When you go back downstairs ask the front desk to get your keycard made up for you." Sebastian said 

"Ok thank you so much." She said with a smile 

"You are very welcome and welcome to Stan Corp." he said to her. 

Scarlett said "Come on Ava I will show introduce you to rest of the team." Ava followed her out and introduced her to Chris Anthony Lizzie and Winston. After she was introduced to the rest of the team at Stan Corp Scarlett helped her get her key card straightened out. She headed home and called her mom and said "Hey mom I got the job." 

"Oh that is great honey. I'm sure Scarlett put in a good word for you too." Her mom said.

"Yeah I'm glad I still have her as a friend." She said to her mom

After she talked to her mom for awhile she got herself some supper and laid out her clothes for her first day at her new job and went to sleep. 

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