Chapter 6

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The day after Ava met Sebastian's mom she was sitting in his kitchen while he made her breakfast. Her cellphone started ringing and she answered "Hey mom what's up?" 

"I was just checking on you honey. I haven't heard much from you lately." Her mom said 

"Oh Im sorry I have been busy with work." She said to her mom as Sebastian lays a plate of breakfast in front of her and kisses her cheek. 

"Well tomorrow is your birthday and I wanted to know if you would like to have dinner with me?" her mom said 

"I um I guess that's fine mom. I will make us reservations somewhere. But I'm going to go and eat some breakfast. I love you mom." she said 

"I love you too baby." Her mom said as she hung up the phone.

She laid her phone down and started to eat her food. "So why are you making reservations for you and your mom?" Sebastian said 

"oh I um tomorrow is my birthday. My 30th birthday actually and she wants to have dinner with me." She said

"You were just not going to tell me that your birthday was coming up." He said to her

"I'm not big birthdays Seb." she said to him as she took a sip of coffee 

"Oh..anyways I want to come with you to dinner with your mom." Sebastian said 

"Um why?" she said confused 

"Because you met my mom now I get to met yours and hopefully I get to meet your dad too." He said to her with a grin.

"Um I guess you can come to dinner with me. But you will not meet my dad." she said 

"And why not?" he said to her

"Because he will think I'm sleeping with my boss if I introduce you to him." She said to him

He got up off the bar stools and collected both of their plates and put them in the sink and walked back over to her and spun her stool so she would face him and he ran both hands up her legs since she was wearing his shirt. "But you are technically sleeping with your boss just with your clothes on while I sleep on your perfect boobs." he whispered in her ear. 

"Sebastian!" she said as she giggled she went to get up and he pulled her back to him 

"When are you going to let me kiss these lips Ava." he said as he made her sit on the counter 

She looked at him and said "I'm going home tonight cause I have work tomorrow and everytime I stay here I'm always late for work and I'm starting to wonder why my boss doesn't get mad at me for being late." she smiled

"Mmm could be cause you are so so damn sexy that he just doesn't care." he whispered in her ear and then pressed a kiss to her neck and then started to lightly suck on her neck.

"mmm Sebastian don't." she whispered as her head rolled back

"But you don't want me to stop I know you don't." he whispered as he continued. 

"I know I don't but you have to. " she whispered

"Baby please don't make me stop doing this." he whispered as he gripped her hips and moaned. 

Then he put his forehead against hers and said "Baby please I want to kiss you and make love to you." 

"I know you do." she whispered 

"Baby look at me. I'm the boss and you are my lawyer and the head of my HR department you have the power to change the rules all you have to do is tell the rest of them that I want to start changing things. I just want to be able to be with you without you freaking out." he said 

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