Chapter 9

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*3 months later*

Ava felt sick all morning while she got ready she barely ate breakfast but she couldn't call in cause they had a meeting that morning. She was sitting in the meeting and kept having hiccups but quietly Sebastian was trying to pay attention but he felt awful that Ava felt bad. It was finally time for her to say something and she went to say something and her last hiccup was all it took for her to say "Excuse me."

She ran to the bathroom and puked. Scarlett came in and said "Ava are you ok?"

"No I have felt sick all morning. I was hoping that I was going to be make it through the meeting but I guess not." Ava said 

Scarlett pulled out a peppermint and said "I read that peppermint helps with nausea." she gave it to Ava and she popped it in her mouth and they went back to the meeting. 

Of all the meetings that she had to step out of it had to be with Renner's company and Mr Taylor. She finally came back in and said "Ok well I will say this Mr Taylor it seems that maybe you have forgotten that I'm stickler for math errors. If you honestly want to go into business with my client then I suggest you do your math right or we will still have no deal with Mr Renner. And before you say something I will advise you like I have told so many of your other lawyer friends that you like to run your mouth to. My dad is the DA and he will have your license revoked if you try and have a crude word to say to me." Ava said with both hands pressed on the table as she was bent over.

"Oh well does daddy know that his daughter is dating and living with her boss. Cause I'm sure that goes over real well at family dinner. And now I won't back down on the percentage." Mr Taylor.

"Oh you want to play Mr Taylor." She pulled out her phone 

"Hey dad. I'm in the middle of a meeting with a lawyer who has had it out for me since day 1 and he wants to know how you feel about his daughter dating her boss." She said as her dad answered her call

"OH well let's see here. I don't give two shits who my daughter dates as long as she is happy. And as far as you sir who seems to think that a woman can't be beauty and brains take a look at my daughter cause that is all her. She worked her ass off at Harvard and I won't have some male shovnist run my daughter's name through the mud any longer. If you can't do what she feels is best for her client's company then I suggest you stop and think about what you are doing wrong." Her dad said 

"Thanks dad talk to you later." She hung up the phone

"Now do we have a deal or no?" She said to Mr Taylor

"No we dont have a deal. I have decided that my client shouldn't go into business with a company that thinks its ok to date other employees including the boss." Mr Taylor said 

"Ok fine. Meeting over." She picked up her stuff and walked out. She got to her desk and laid her head down as she puked into her trash can. "God what the hell is wrong with me?"

Then she heard someone sit something on her desk. Sebastian had brought her a ice cold spirte from the vending machine and said "Baby what is wrong?'

She took a sip of the pop and said "I don't know." 

He felt her head and said "No fever." 

She smiled and said "Oh you are to cute." 

"I just don't feel good and I'm tired I want to go home and sleep." she said as she laid her head back down. He rubbed the back of her head and said "Do you want to take a nap?" 

"Oh that would be perfect." She said to him as she kicked off her heels and walked over to his office cause his couch was bigger than hers. 

She laid down and covered her up. He kissed her forehead and took care of his phone calls in her office so he wouldn't disturb her. He had to wake her up cause she didn't get up on her own and said 'Hey baby wake up you have been asleep for almost 2 and half hours." 

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