Chapter 8

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The week went by fast and Ava was killing it at fixing the mistakes that the last lawyer left for her to fix. Friday rolled around they had made reservations for dinner with her dad and Nancy for Friday night. They went home after work and showered and got dressed for dinner Sebastian could tell she was nervous. He walked up behind her and said "Baby it's going to be fine. He can't really be mad at you because he was Nancy's boss." 

She laughed and said "That's true." 

"By the way you look gorgeous tonight baby." Sebastian said to her. 

She smiled and said "Thank you baby." 

"I love the heels too by the way

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"I love the heels too by the way." He said he held her as she stood between his legs in the bathroom as he leaned against the counter. 

"Oh thank you they are my favorite to bad they hurt after so many hours that's why I don't wear them to work." She said with a smile

"MMm I don't think I would be able to control myself at work if you wore I might need to keep a box of condoms at work though." he said to her.

"Let's go before we are late for dinner. " she said as she walked out the door and grabbed her purse. 

They headed to the restaurant and got checked in with the hostess. They ordered their drinks then her dad and stepmom came in."Hey dad it's good to see you." She said as she hugged him.

"Ava it's good to see you too babygirl." he said 

"Dad this is my boyfriend Sebastian Stan. Sebastian this is my dad John Thomas." She said with a smile 

"It's nice to meet you Mr Thomas." Sebastian said 

"It's nice to meet you to Sebastian." Her dad said 

Then she introduced Nancy. They all sat down and her dad said "So my daughter didn't tell me what you do Sebastian but I'm hoping it's not military." 

"Um no. I run my own company Stan Corp. Your daughter is my company's lawyer." he said nervously.

"You are her boss." he said 

Ava bit her lip and said to the waiter "im going to need a shot of bourbon actually make it two." 

"Ava you didn't tell me that." her dad as she continued to bit and chew on her lip. Then waiter brought her shots and she did both of them and said "Cause I wasn't sure how you were going to react dad. But that's not how I got my job and originally there was a no dating policy when I started there. I um we started to spend more time together and he's been nothing but amazing to me dad he treats me better then Josh ever did. I mean the man bought me two dozen red roses for my birthday earlier this week. He wants to be with me he wanted it so badly that he changed his no dating policy so he could be with me." 

"Ava honey I'm the last person you have to explain yourself to." Her dad said 

"Sebastian please take care of my daughter that's all I ask of you. She may be a bad ass when it comes to her job but she has a tender heart and Josh hurt her a lot she may think that I don't know but I do I talked to her mom. That boy never once treated her like a princess." Her dad said 

"Oh I can already tell that he didn't. She cried when she got her roses the first time I ever kissed her she told me that Josh never kissed her like I kissed her." Sebastian said 

"That is all that I ask of you. You seem like a good man and know how to treat her so I know that I have nothing to worry about when it comes to you two." Her dad said 

Then the waiter brought their food out. Her dad said "So have you told Sebastian how you use to pretend to hold court in our living room growing up." 

Ava's face turned red and said "No dad I haven't."

"Oh no Ava is blushing I want to hear this story now." Sebastian said to her as he kissed her cheek.

"Oh man Ava is my spitfire she use to do that all the time back before I was a DA. She would hold court and say "You are guilty guilty guilty. You are sentenced to a lifetime of dish duty to her dolls and teddy bears." Her dad said 

"Oh little Ava that's mean to do." Sebastian said 

"She was the best growing up. My girl is amazing." Her dad said with a smile

"That she is John. I knew she was the moment she walked into my office then she turned on her smarts and I was hooked add in those amazing and adorable dimples when she smiles." He said to her dad. 

"Oh Ava that man right there is crazy about you baby." Nancy said to her stepdaughter

"I know he is. I'm crazy about him too. I never thought I would find love again but he showed me what real love is."Ava said as she looked at him. 

"Well I will say this Ava Grace if he was to ask me the same question that Josh asked me I would say yes to him in a heartbeat." Her dad said

"Dad! We are still in the early stages of our relationship and we are just now allowed to be together at work." she said to him

"I'm just saying sweetheart." her dad said 

After they paid and headed out her dad hugged her and said "It was good to see you baby come by anytime. If you need anything you let me know and don't let those male lawyers talk down to my baby." 

"I love you daddy." She said to him as she hugged him.

Her and Sebastian got in the car. "Ava what is wrong?" Sebastian said 

"I just please tell me that you aren't thinking about proposing Sebastian. I um it's not that I don't love you or want a life with you but I just want us to take our time." she said to him

"Ava Grace I'm not ready either. All I know is I need you and I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you I'm just not sure if I'm ready for marriage." he said to her

"Ok Im sorry I just I love you Sebastian I know I do and I want my life with you but I'm just scared to get engaged again." she said to him

He kissed her hand and said "You aren't the only that is scared. You remember what happened to me when I got engaged. I'm not saying that you are going to go cheat on me but I'm scared too." 

They got home and he made love to her and they went to sleep cause the next morning they were moving Ava's stuff in. 

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