Chapter 12

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A few weeks after they bought their townhouse they were moved in and Ava started to work on the nursery for baby girl. They had decided on the name Harper Rae and even had her name up on the wall of her nursery. 

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When Ava was about 25 weeks pregnant

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When Ava was about 25 weeks pregnant. They had another meeting with Mr Renner but this time he had Mr Franklin as his lawyer who also didn't like Ava. She was reading over the numbers during the meeting and saw that everything was order with the perecentages and everything seemed ok but Ava had some questions. 

"If I let my client sign this merger deal it better not be one of those we are going to do what we can to get our foot in the door and then watch it unravel. Cause I got news for you Mr Franklin and Mr Renner. I'm engaged to this man and I'm having his baby and I will not stand for you to mess with my family and this business do you understand me? Cause if I find out that all you are doing is trying to get your foot in the door and then steal from my fiancee you don't want to mess with me. I'm the daughter of the DA and I will have both of your asses for fraud." Ava said 

"Ms Thomas we aren't doing anything like that. I understand that you have had problems with Renner's previous lawyer in the past and I know we butted heads as well but I assure that is not going to happen." Mr Franklin

"It better not." Ava said 

She slid the contract over to Sebastian and gave him a pen. He signed his name on it and she signed hers where she was suppose to sign her name. Then they all shook hands and the meeting was over. Sebastian came into her office and said "Damn baby that was amazingly hot in there today." 

She smiled and said "Well mama bear doesn't play." 

"Mm mama bear is fucking sexy when she gets all worked up." He whispered in her ear and said "Makes me want to do naughty things to mama bear." 

"Mmm that sounds fun." She whispered 

"Yeah?" He whispered with a smile as he kissed her then whispered "let me lock the door." After he locked the doors and he bent her over the desk and started fucking her and she whispered "thats it baby right there oh god yes right there Sebastian. mmm god oh oh fuck yes." Then he said "oh oh god Im gonna come baby." then he started filling her.  

They got their pants back and he kissed her and said "Mama bear feel better?"

"Much better. Now I'm just hungry." She said as she kissed him back.

They went to their break room and ate lunch. 


When Ava was 32 weeks pregnant Sebastian's mom and Ava's mom threw them a baby shower. Ava was so excited to get everything ready for their little girl and put the finishing touches on the nursery. Ava was on her maternity leave and Sebastian told everyone that wanted a deal with him that he couldn't make any decisons till his lawyer was back from maternity leave.

When Ava was about 37 weeks she woke up having contractions and she started to moan in pain. "Sebastian wake up I think it's time." she whispered in pain. He woke up and said "Ok let me get the stuff in the car and we will go." He loaded up the bags and she was pacing and she started to scream in pain as she bent over her dresser and she said "Oh god this hurts." 

"Come on baby let's go." Sebastian said as he helped her down the stairs and into the car. Luckily it was like 3 in the morning and it wasn't busy out and they made it to the hospital. The nurse said "How long have the contractions been going on?"

"For the past hour. They are 5 minutes apart." Ava said as tears were falling she was in so much pain. They got them in a room and got her hooked up to the machines and had the baby's heart monitor hooked up. The doctor came in and said "Ms Thomas how are you doing tonight?' Let's see what we got going on down here." 

He checked her and he said "Oh yeah definitely in labor you are about a 5 cm right now and I'm going to go ahead and break your water sac ok. You are going to feel a slight pinch." 

"OW OW." Ava said through tears as Sebastian held her hand. 

"Alright water is broken. Do you want an epidural?" The doctor said 

"Yes please." Ava said 

"Ok we will get that done for you. Just relax." The doctor said 

A few minutes later the person that does epidurals came in and got her hooked up to that once that kicked she was able to calm down some. She started to fall back asleep and Sebastian laid next her on the hospital bed and watched her sleep as he listened to Harper's heartbeat. He texted the grandparents to let them know that Ava was in labor. He also let Maria know that he wouldn't be in and to let Evans know that he would be in charge till he got back. 

A few hours later the nurse came in and checked Ava and said "ok Ms Thomas it's to push. Im going to go get the doctor and then your little girl will be here." 

Sebastian got up off the bed and he whispered "You can do this beautiful then our little girl will be here." He kissed her. She smiled and said "I love you." He smiled and said "I love you too gorgeous." 

The doctor came in and said "Let's have a babygirl shall we." The nurse got everybody in positition and show Sebastian where to stand. The doctor said "Ok Ava give me a big push." 

She started pushing and the doctor said "That's good Ava we need atleast 3 more ok I can feel her head." She pushed again and the doctor said "ok Ava just two more now come on she's almost out." She pushed again and said "There's her head see daddy there's her head." Sebastian had tears in his eyes when he seen his little girl's head and said 'One more push baby come on." Ava pushed one last time then she heard Harper's cry and she laid her head back on her pillow and started to cry. 

The nurse laid Harper on Ava's chest and said "There ya go Mama"

"Hey babygirl your here." She whispered to Harper. 

The nurse came over and started cleaning Harper up and said "Alright mama we will bring her back after she gets a bath and we get her measurements." The doctor said "Alright all done here. Just a small tear and a one stitich. Congrats to you both." 

An hour later they brought Harper back to Ava and Sebastian. They showed Ava how to breastfeed and Sebastian laid next to her and said "She's beautiful Ava. Look she even has your hair." Ava looked over at him and said "of course. Redheads are badasses." 

He smiled and kissed her. Once she was done breastfeeding she handed Harper to Sebastian to hold her and he said "Hey babygirl. You look just like your mama I'm in trouble." Ava just rolled her eyes. Then there was a knock on the door and the family started to come in and Ava said "We would like to introduce you all to little Harper Rae Stan." 

Sebastian got up and let everyone see her. Ava's dad came over to her and said "She looks just like you Ava Grace." 

Ava rolled her eyes and said "God Sebastian has been saying that all morning." 

They all got to hold little Harper and love on her. Everyone was so excited to see her and hold her. 

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