Chapter 3

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*3 days later*

"Ms Thomas this arrived this morning." Maria handed her a envelope 

"Shit." She whispered 

Just as she told Sebastian now Renner's company was threatening to sue. She walked over to his office as he heard her heels clicking he looked up and said "Oh no they are suing aren't they." as he saw the blue paper in her hand. 

She sat down on his desk and said "What do you want me to do?" 

"Take them down of course." he said as he rolled his chair out from under his desk and stood in front of her. 

"Ugh..I hate this part." She said as she started to read over the papers. She was biting her lip and said "Guess I will be on the phone in a conference call with the judge." 

"Ava you are damn good lawyer don't let them make you cry ." He said to her she turned around and walked backwards and said "You Sebastian need to stop with the flattery I know I'm good at my job. I just hate the consequences it comes with." 

About an hour later Sebastian was in the mini break room getting his lunch out of the fridge when he heard her on the phone. 

"No Your Honor. There was no sign contracts they were in the middle of negoatiations of a deal. I caught the math error. According to Mr Taylor it wasn't a math error that Mr Stan's previous lawyer that recently quit had agreed to the percentages without discussing them with Mr Stan cause he wasn't even aware of the percentages till he asked me to look over the contract when I brought it up in the meeting Mr Taylor got nasty with me and said that they weren't changing it so I advised my client to not do the deal cause it would hurt his company. It's clear that his last lawyer didn't care that he was going to hurt the company." She said on the phone 

He stood in the breakroom and ate his lunch and watched her. "Well I'm sorry that Mr Renner is upset that the deal didn't go through that's not my problem Your Honor he's not my client if they had just changed the math error then it would have been ok. Well I'm telling you this now if he wants to go to court because I advised my client to not take the deal well then he can go right ahead." She said as she turned her chair and saw Sebastian popping a piece of pineapple in his mouth and he smiled and shook his head.

"Well then tell him I'll see him in court if that's what he wants I was trying to avoid this but if he doesn't want to budge then I guess that's what we will do. Thank you see you Monday morning" she said as she hung up the phone.

"You are amazing you know that." he said to her as she walked over to him as she got her lunch. 

"I'm pretty sure you said that in my interview." she said as she started to eat her pre made salad and sat on the counter. 

"So we are going to court with this douchebag he knows that he has to deal with you again right?" he said to her as he threw his container away.

"Oh I'm going to have so much fun on Monday." She smiled so big her dimples were showing. 

"Oh Ms Ava you are adorable." he said to her 


Monday morning 

"Mr Stan is it true that your lawyer advised you to terminate the deal because of the percentage error." The judge asked Sebastian 

"Yes your honor she did advise me to terminate the deal after Renner and his lawyer said that they were not changing the percentage." Sebastian said 

"Whoa no I'm not asking this Mr Taylor." The judge looked over to Mr Taylor and Ava knew exactly what the question was.

"Your honor if the question is did I sleep with Mr Stan to get my job the answer is no I didnt sleep with him nor have I ever slept with a boss. I can have my doctor confirm it if you want." Ava said 

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