Chapter 10

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When Monday morning rolled around Scarlett came through Ava's office door like she was on fire and said "Let me see that rock!" Ava showed off her ring engagement ring and said "Damn he is good." 

"Well thank you." Sebastian said as he came into Ava's office with a coffee for him and a tea for her. 

"Wait why is she getting tea and not coffee? Ava can't survive without coffee in the mornings." Scarlett said 

Ava just kept looking at the papers on her desk. Her red hair was straight and she had her glasses on. "Ava?" Scarlett and Ava was trying to hide her smile and said "Because I can't have coffee right now." 

"Why?" Scarlett followed her over to her copy machine and said "Ava Grace are you pregnant?" 

Ava pushed some hair behind her ear and said "Yes we are having a baby. That's why I was sick Friday morning. The baby is due in November." 

Scarlett hugged her and said "Oh my god congratulations Ava!" 

"Ok Scarlett I'm breathing for two here." as Scarlett hugged her so tight

"Sorry omg a baby." Scarlett said 

Then Evans came through Ava's office door. "What the hell Seb I have to find out today that you two got engaged you couldn't call your best friend." Evans said

"Well we didn't want to make a big deal about it." Sebastian said as Ava walked past him and he grabbed her waist and placed both hands on growing bump she was already 13 weeks along and having a little bump going on. "Besides that's not the only news we have." Sebastian said 

"What else is there?" Evans said then Scarlett said "Look at her and his hands Evans." 

"Omg you two are having a baby." Evans said 

Sebastian kissed Ava's cheek and said "Yes we are. This beautiful girl of mine is having my baby." 

Ava said "Mmm I'm so happy." 

The week went by fast. Saturday rolled around and they headed over to his mom's house for dinner it was also the first time Ava would be meeting Sebastian's brother. They knocked on the door and his mom answered the door "Oh my two favorite people right now. let me see you Ava." she placed her hands on Ava's growing bump and said "Oh I'm so excited." 

They walked in and said hi to Sarah and her husband

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They walked in and said hi to Sarah and her husband. She said "Oh look at you Ava and that adorable bump I was not that adorable when I was pregnant with Faith." 

"Oh Im sure you were Sarah." Ava said 

"Sebastian it's good to see you." Ava heard someone say that was behind Sarah. 

"Hello John." Sebastian said to his brother. 

"John this is Sebastian's fiancée Ava Thomas." Sebastian's mom said 

"It's nice to meet you Ava." John said as she shook his hand. 

"How's the company going Seb." John said 

"Just fine now that Ava is running the legal department." Sebastian said 

Then there was another voice female voice that came up behind John that said "Hey Honey sorry I had to pee." and grabbed John's hand

Ava being the nice person she is said "Hi I'm Ava Sebastian's fiancée." The girl looked down and saw her ring and her bump and said "Hi I'm Kaci John's wife." 

"Ava you remember when you asked me about my ex." Sebastian said 

"Yeah." Ava said 

"That's her." Sebastian said 

Ava was speechless and finally got out "oh." 

Sebastian's mom finally said "Ok let's sit down in eat shall we." Everyone left the kitchen and Ava looked at him and said "You never told me he married your ex fiancée." 

"I didn't know till 2 days ago. You need to breathe and calm down please." Sebastian said 

"I need to go to the bathroom." Ava said and Sebastian followed her. 

"Hey what's wrong?" Sebastian said once they got into the bathroom.

"I just I wasn't prepared for that. I was wondering why she was looking me up and down when I introduced myself." Ava said 

"Because your ring is a whole hell of a lot bigger than hers baby." Sebastian said as he kissed her as he put her hands above her head and whispered "Baby I love you. Please tell this isn't you freaking out cause my ex fiancée happens to be married to my brother and you think that being around her is going to bring my feelings back cause it's not I hate her she broke me and made me a fuck boy cause she hurt then you came along with your cute dimples and blue eyes you have nothing to worry about babydoll." 

She looked into his eyes and said "You promise?"

"I promise baby. I put this ring on you cause I love you and we have a baby coming you are living with me. I love you baby please don't freak out on me ok." Sebastian said 

"Ok I'm sorry. I just wasn't prepared for all this today." She said to him and he kissed her again

"Can we go eat now." he said 

She shook her head yes and he kissed her again. They came out and sat down at the table and his mom said "Everything ok?" to Sebastian "Yeah she just needed a moment." Sebastian said 

After dinner and dessert Sebastian said "Ok well we are going home. Thanks for dinner mom but Ava's getting tired so we are going to go." They both hugged his mom and she said "Ava let me know if you need anything ok." 

"Thanks I will." She said 

They both headed out to the car. On the way home he looked over at her and he said "Ava are you ok?"

She said "Yeah." she reached for his hand and enterlaced their fingers together.

"Im sorry I didn't tell you I really didn't know till 2 days ago when my mom called to tell me that he was going to be at the dinner." Sebastian said

"It's fine baby. I just wasn't prepared I don't do well with surprises." Ava said 

When they got home they took a hot shower together and went to sleep. Sebastian found a new favorite sleeping position hand on her stomach and head on her shoulder so he didn't squish her. 


3 weeks later 

Ava's 16th week check up and gender appointment. 

Ava was laying on the exam table while the doctor did her measurements and let them hear the heartbeat. "Alright so let's see if the baby will let us see if they are he or a she." She started to move the wand all over Ava's stomach. Then the baby started moving around and the doctor said "Looks like we are having a little lady." 

"Really? A girl?" Ava said 

"Yup. Definitely a girl. But we will double check in a few weeks." The doctor said 

Sebastian smiled so big and whispered "Im getting another little bad ass girl." Ava heard him and started to laugh as she wiped tears. 

On the way home she said "You really think she's going to be a bad ass like me." 

"Oh babydoll I have no doubt that she is going to be just like you." Sebastian said as he leaned over and kissed her at the red light. 

They had something planned for the gender reveal so they didn't tell anyone what the gender was they just told everyone to be at their place Sunday afternoon.

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