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Y/n and the others followed John as he lead the way to college. Excitement and anxiety rushed through you as you followed.

After many minutes of walking you saw it. Kings College!

You raced ahead of the others, feeling cold wind and rain hitting your skin. John started to run, instantly catching up with you. Woah, he's fast.

As you two were running, you could hear Hercules and Lafayette panting as they tried to catch up. Alex didn't even try to run, he just walked casually, giving no visible cares. He seemed to be thinking. Anyways, Hercules and Lafayette weren't fast enough. You and John reached the doors to the giant college and John, being the beautiful gentlemen he is, opened one of the doors for you.

Johns hair was a bit darker from the rain that soaked into his brown hair, which was still curly despite the weather.

"Thanks.." You mumbled, suddenly being a bit shy. John smiled at you as if it was a way of saying "No Problem".

You walked inside, John following after you. There was a lady at a counter, she waved her hand towards John and you, signaling for you guys to come over to her.

John and You walked over and the lady greeted you with a simple, "Hi.".

"Hello." John said.

"You two are going to this college, correct? I have every students dorm room numbers." The lady replied.

John and you nodded. The lady got up and grabbed a paper before saying, "Okay.. both you and Y/n are in the same dorm, which is dorm number 56."

I'm in the same dorm as John?! The thought of living with him made you want to blush so hard that your face turned as red as a tomato, but you contained your feelings.

John nodded, smiling a little bit. The lady handed John and you a key, "It's for your dorm. Don't lose it."

You thanked the lady and then John and you walked off, you saw Lafayette and Hercules start talking to the lady, Alex seemed to have wandered off somewhere, but you didn't care too much. Alex probably just started talking to someone.. or something,

John walked to where the dorms were located, searching the area until he spotted a door with the number "56" labeled next to it. "Found our dorm!" He said cheerfully. You smiled and followed him.

He lead you up to the door and unlocked it, revealing a good sized dorm. (Dorms in this book are like mini houses with different rooms, bathrooms, a good kitchen, etc.)

"Well.. I'm going to go into my room and unpack my stuff." You said, grabbing your bag from John.

John nodded, "Ok.".

You spotted two rooms and opened the door to one, revealing what was obviously meant to be a bedroom. It had another room that was a bathroom. You shut your new rooms door and sat down on the little twin-sized bed that was provided in the room.

Screw unpacking! I don't have classes tomorrow, so I'll do it then. I just want to relax.

Hmm.. You laid down and began to think more.

John. He's so adorable. I love the way his freckles are splattered all over his pale skin. I love the way his eyes sparkle with happiness. I love the way his brown, fluffy, curly hair is pulled back into that beautiful ponytail. I love the taste of his lips on mine, and how he looks when he blushes. He's such an amazing man..

What are we, though? We kissed earlier.. but.. did he just kiss me because he felt pressured..? Did he just kiss me.. so that everyone would freak out? Did he kiss me for a reason that wasn't love?

Your head started aching, so you shut your eyes tightly.

Questions flew through your mind, and you landed on one certain question before you drifted off into sleep, darkness filling your vision.

Does John really love me?

Repeated Dreams (John Laurens X Reader) (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now