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Alex's POV

I left Johns dorm shortly after Y/n left and I walked home in silence. The early morning coldness was unsettling to me.

When I saw Y/n she looked extremely overwhelmed in grief, anger, and other strong emotions. My mind was having trouble trying to think of what'd happened to make her feel like that.

Then, my mind slowly drifted into thinking about John.

John has the most stunning hazel eyes that seem to always sparkle. His hair curls perfectly and it's so fluffy and soft. His freckles are splattered all over his skin.. altogether he is just perfect. Perfect in every way. He's beautiful, stunning, cute, adorable, sexy- Okay I need to control myself. John loves Y/n..

Wait, does Y/n love John?

They kissed, sure..

The kiss was awful to watch. I had to see the man I'm in love with kiss my good friend while I just watched with grief in my eyes. I hope no one noticed how sad I was.

Anyways, Y/n seemed extremely upset this morning.. so..

Maybe they don't love each other! That thought made me happy, which lead to lots of guilt. I dismissed the guilt though and continued to walk home.

Y/n's POV

You had woken up twenty minutes ago and changed into gym shorts and a simple t-shirt.  You could care less about what you were wearing.

After that you had left your room. You saw John on the couch, he was asleep. He didn't look to well.. So what? I shouldn't care or worry about him! He doesn't love me.. or like me..

You stared at the fridge for a few seconds before deciding not to eat. You hadn't eaten in days.. but you weren't going to let yourself eat today.

You left the dorm, shutting the door quietly. You had your classes today.

As you walked to your first class, which was writing, you began to think.

John doesn't love me.. But I love hi- No. I don't love him.

Is there anyone else who loves me? Who would love me..? No one does love me..



Alex loves me.

He loves me, right? He was sad when me and John kissed so he must like me!

That made you feel a bit better than you did earlier.

I'll tell him that I love him too after my classes!

You continued walking and reached your first class.

Johns POV

I woke up slowly. My eyes were sore from crying last night and I felt a little bit sick. Silence was in the air. Y/n is at her classes today. I reminded myself with a sigh.

I looked over at the fridge and considered eating but today I just didn't want to. I felt so upset. I love Y/n.. but I guess she doesn't love me back.. If she loved me she wouldn't have said that I don't love her and all of that stuff..

My phone went off.

I had a text from Alex.

Alex: Hey John

John: Hi!

Alex: Can I come over?

John: ..Sure.

Repeated Dreams (John Laurens X Reader) (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now