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Aaron's POV

It's been thirty years.

No one ever found out that I killed them.

Alex is dead because of me.

Lafayette is dead because of me.

Hercules is dead because of me.

Y/n died anyways..

Johns next.

They made me crazy. They did this to me. In return, I ruined them.

Flashback to in high school (Aaron's POV)

I was carrying books in my hands as I walked to my next class. The halls seemed empty.. until I saw them. Hercules, Alex, Lafayette, and John. Y/n was nowhere to be seen.

They saw me.

Lafayette walked up to me and started teasing me, calling me names that drove me insane. Then, he pushed me against a locker.

I hit my head and blacked out.

When I woke up, I was outside. I didn't feel correct..

Something felt wrong.

I felt insane.

Very insane.

But I got up and stumbled home.

When I got home I tried to talk to my mom.

"Beautifullll motherrrrr person!!" I yelled. I sounded crazy.

Aaron's POV

My mother looked disgusted at me calling that, but my brain just wasn't working correctly. I tried talking more, but everything came out weird. My mom kicked me out of her house.. forever.

I lived on the streets for many years, my brain was damaged. I sounded crazy. I was bullied even more.

I managed to get into college because I found money on the street. That was the only reason.

When I was in college everyone thought I was insane. No one knew it was because those boys ruined me. They made me have a brain injury.

Somehow, it healed. But I needed revenge.

I killed Alex and made it look like a suicide.

I made Hercules car break so he got in a crash and died.

I was the one who attacked and killed Lafayette.

I will be the one that kills John.

He had to suffer through all this, just to die.

I started laughing crazily.

Repeated Dreams (John Laurens X Reader) (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now