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Johns POV

I fell to the floor crying.

This can't be happening...

Alex and I had been best friends since kindergarten.. He was my closest friend ever.

I felt like I had just been stabbed with knife in a wound that was already opened. I felt like my sorrow was blood that was pouring out of my wound, making me feel like I was already dead.

I didn't know what to do. I felt dead yet too numb to realize it. I felt every bad emotion that is possible to be felt.

Rain began to pour. Even the trees above me couldn't stop the strong rain that fell down onto me.

I never did like the rain like Y/n did.

The rain was always so cold and unwelcoming to me. It drenched me in water, making me shiver uncontrollably. How could Y/n enjoy this?

How do humans enjoy anything?

Everything good seems to slip away as soon as it's in your grasp. Eventually you're left with nothing good at all. You just have the memory of when you had those emotions such as excitement and happiness. Did those emotions ever really exist, though? Or was it all just your brain desperately trying to feel something.. anything?

Either way, there's nothing now.

It's just grief that has turned into emptiness.

Alex is dead.

My phone started to ring, and I looked at who was calling. It was Lafayette.

I answered.

"Mon ami.." Lafayette whispered.

This can't be good.

"Yes?" I said, trying my best to sound stronger even though I was weak from the hollowness I now felt.

"First off.. why aren't you here?!" Lafayette asked.

"I.. couldn't make it.." I said as I thought about Alex, who's dead body was hanging next to me.

"Y/n is going to.. pass away.. she's barely conscious but can speak.. and wanted to say her.. g-goodbyes.. to you.." Lafayette said shakily.

If there was even any remains of my heart, it was all shattered at this moment.

My beloved Y/n is going to die..


I then heard a little whisper. It was Y/n.

"J-John.." She whispered.

"Y-Y/n!" I instantly said.

"I.. I love.. y-you.. John.." Y/n said weakly, stuttering.

"I.. I love you, too."

I heard some buzzing and crying. Then I heard a gasp for air.

And then I heard nothing.


She was dead.

But then I woke up.

I blinked as I stirred from that dream.. tears were rolling down my face.

It had been thirty years since Alex and Y/n died. I had that same dream, more like a nightmare, ever since. I had loved Y/n so unbelievably much but she was gone.

I had dropped out of college shortly after Alex and Y/n died. I didn't know what happened to Lafayette and Hercules until a few years ago when I received mail with the information that Hercules had died in a car crash. I then reached out to Lafayette, and we had talked a lot.. but then he died too. Last year. He was attacked and killed overnight.

Now I was truly alone.

But maybe I was always alone.


I still had one thing.

Though they may not bring me happiness but at least they left me with something. At this point, anything was better than the hollowness that almost completely consumed me...

...I still had those repeated dreams.

A/n: There's still gonna be more chapters.. Also I bet you didn't see that coming! >:)

Repeated Dreams (John Laurens X Reader) (Modern)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora