The Infinity War (Part 5)

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Heavily Edited (26/5/19)

As we walked down one of the many hallways in the ship, we heard an eerie voice speaking.

"Could that be them?" I asked Tony. He nodded and put a finger to his lips, telling me to be silent. I pinched my fingers and then drew a line over my closed mouth before I pretended to throw away a key. Tony rolled his eyes but smiled a little, causing me to do the same.

We crept into a room where the was nothing but a strange balcony looking down over a big space which I assumed to be the front of the ship. I looked over the edge and held onto a metal beam, gasping at what I saw.

Squidward had Dr. Strange floating at eyes height with weird glowing crystal type things sticking out of him. Dr. Strange gasped in pain as they went deeper, and I cringed.

"Tony, look," I whispered. Tony stood next to me and assessed the situation. As we looked down, someone tapped mine and Tony's shoulders and we both jumped. Mr. Stark turned around and raised his jet arm to whatever it was, and we saw that it was Dr. Strange's cape.

"Wow, you are a seriously loyal piece of outerwear, aren't you?" Tony lowered his arm when another voice spoke.

"Yeah, uh, speaking of loyalty," I flicked my eyes to where the other voice was coming from and saw Peter hanging from the ceiling. He jumped down and my eyes went wide.

"What the-" Tony began.

"Pete?" I said, surprised.

"I know what you're gonna say-" Peter started.

"You should not be here," Tony finished.

"I was gonna go home-"

"I don't want to hear it."

"But then (Y/N) went with you-"

"Leave me out of this," I hissed.

"It was such a long way down!" Peter exclaimed.

"Now I gotta hear it," Tony rolled his eyes.

"And I just thought about shooting webs on the side of the ship-"

"This suit is ridiculously intuitive by the way, so if anything it's kinda your fault that I'm here."

The cape and I looked at each other and I shook my head.

"Wrong words, Pete," I said.

"What did you just say?" Tony hissed.

"I take that back. And, um, now I'm here in space with you and (Y/N)!"

"I said, leave me out of this!

"Right where I don't want you to be," Tony said. He went forward a few steps so that he was face to face with Peter.

"This isn't some trip to Coney Island; this is a one way ticket, do you understand me?"

Peter nodded.

"Don't say you thought this through," Tony continued. "I know you didn't."

"I did," Peter pushed. The two started to argue back and forth for a minute until Peter spoke again. "You can't be a friendly neighbourhood Spider Man if there's no neighbourhood!"

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