So hard to resist......

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*3 weeks later*

After three weeks it got very hot like up to the 70's. We were always used to cold weather so I felt like I was dying. Monday for school I got out something that was really light and wouldn't keep me so hot. The catch is that I could get in trouble for wearing it. I got out a grey short dress, a black and white flannel to tie around my waist, and my converse. I could get in trouble because my school doesn't really allow sleeveless things or short dresses but I really don't give a crap. I was nervous to see what others would say because this isn't like me to wear something like this at all. They all called me the shy nerd. Maybe this would make them think differently.

 Maybe this would make them think differently

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*When I got to school*

When I had gotten to school and walked in everyone looked at me. Some girls were smiling some were rolling their eyes. Some guys were smirking watching every step I made. It was kinda weird to me because they usually never paid attention to me at all.

"What are you guys looking at, get to class!" Mr. Weekes yelled walking down the hall his eyes landing on me.

Dallon p.o.v

When I seen Y/N my heart started to beat faster. She looked beautiful in my eyes. Seeing all of those guys starring at her made me jelouse....I didn't want them starring at her.

"Hey you look nice" I walked up to her.

"Thanks" She looked down bitting her lip.

"No bitting your lip hun, I don't want to see your pretty lips bleed" I layed my index finger under her chin making her look up at me.

When I realized what I had done, I quickly put my hand in my pocket.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable if I did. I wasn't thinking"

"No, it's okay Mr. Weekes. It didn't bother me a bit to be honest"

"I'll see you later in class" I gave a little wave before quickly walking away.

I felt like a young teen boy trying to get the pretty girl. What am I doing I need to stop, but at the same time I don't want to. Every since the day she spent the night with me I guess I have been acting flirty towards her.

"I need to stop this" I said to myslef walking in my room.

Y/N's  p.o.v

"Mr. Weekes. Just. Touched. My. Chin!"  My whole body screamed me feeling all jittery.

I was so excited and happy that I felt as if I couldn't hold it in.

"You okay Y/N?" Mr. Wentz asked.

"I'm perfect" I smiled.

"You've acted a lot happier since that snow day we had. Did something go on?"

"Nah I'm just happy"

Suddenly I felt someone slap my ass making me yelp.

"What the hell!" I yelled quickly turning back to see Joey.

"You look sexy today" He bit his lips moving a strand of hair from my face.

"Yeah you look awful ugly today" I smacked his hand away.

"Oh sure" He sat beside me.

When I sat down I thought about Mr. Weekes and how close we've gotten. Our relationship has felt a little more than a teacher student was more different. I felt as if now he looked at me different than all that other girls. He looks at me like he's trying to tell me something thorough his eyes.....I just don't know what. My crush for him has gotten so much bigger and I like him a lot, but I know he doesn't like me at all.

*Last period of the day*

So many boys have been messing with me. Some part of me actually likes all of the attention but the other part of me doesn't.

"How are you hun?" Mr. Weekes opend the door for me when the other class left.

"Good how are you?" I asked sitting in his computer chair when I walked in.

"I'm good"

Dallon p.o.v

"I'm good" I looked her up and down.

When all the kids came in I told Y/N to get to her seat. When she sat down I noticed one of my students Bryan was starring at her ass. That pissed me off, I just hated the feeling. I didn't want anyone checking her out because she doesn't belong with them..

"Fuck Dallon, stop!" I whispered writting some music notes on the board.

After I wrote them I asked someone to sing them. I immediately picked Y/N her voice sounding like heaven, it was so beautiful. The whole time I starred at her in a complete daze.

"Was that good?" She asked holding on to her hands blushing.

"Y-Yeah it was. You have a very good voice" I wiped my hands on my black dress pants feeling sweaty all the sudden.

"Anyone else want to try?" I tried to get my eyes off of Y/N.

This other girl tried and she was good too but not as good as Y/N. This girl liked me a lot like to the point where she tried to make me have sex with her. I know she has a big thing for me but I really don't have a thing for her. I don't have a thing for any of my students...(suuuuuurrreeeeee Dallon😉😘).

At the end of class I was going to talk to Y/N but Hannah that girl pushed her out and shut the door.

"No Hannah" I sighed.

"I want you to stop showing her so much attention. Show me attention because I love you. And I really want you" She played with my tie.

"No just go before I decide to tell the principal what you tried to do" I opend the door having her leave.

She shoved Y/N walking away.

"I'm sorry about her" I said Y/N walking in.

"It's alright" She bent down to pick something off of the ground.

When she had thrown away the little paper she went behind my desk to my case. That case has my bass in it that I usually played.

"That's a bass. I used to be in a band" I got it out.

"Play something for me"She in my chair smiling like a young girl.

I couldn't say no to that smile so of course I played her a little something.

"Your good. You should teach me because I've alwyas wanted to learn" She jumped up.

"I could give you lessons but not here because I don't have everything I'd need"

"Well how would you be able to teach me?" She frowned.

"Well there is one way but I doubt we could do that"

"What is it?"

"I could invite you to my house on some days and we could practice if want" I suggested.

For some reason I hoped that she'd say yes. This would be a good opportunity to get to know her way better.

"I'd like too but I'll have to ask my mom"

"Look ask her later today and text me what she says" I got a post it note from my desk writting my number on it.

"Here" I handed it to her.

"Thanks" She smiled looking down at it.

"Text me anytime you want, I'll answer" I smiled back at her.

"Thanks Mr. Weekes"

"I'll see ya!" I opend the door for her.

"Bye" She walked out giving me one last look.

When she left I had shut the door laying against it.

"What was I thinking?"....

Mr. Weekes (Dallon Weekes X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now