🌞Tutor🌞 Pt.8

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Work had been boring as usual, but it gave me so much time to think. I love Michael so much, but he has to get himself together. Of course that wasn't going to happen. Found out that his girlfriend Is Ashlyn Castro. She's pretty hot. I mean if that is what he sees in girls now, then I surely didn't have anymore chances. I clock out of work and recently I was in a car wreck. It wasn't bad, but it ripped my little lunch box car to shreds. Michael came to see me, but I asked the nurses to make him go away. So I was now taking the bus to work.

The bus stop was 2 blocks away. I decided to take a short cut to the next street through the alley. I enter the dark alley and I can feel nothing but the eerie sensation that somebody was watching me. I start to speed walk when something grabbed me. "Woah woah woah....woah! Where you going cutie." The ragged voice came through. With the little light that was showing, I could see the man's old wrinkly face. "Didn't think I would find a pretty girl like you coming down a dark alley!" The old man said. "Come out boys!" He said. I hear multiple sets of feet walking up behind me.

"Let me go! Let me the Hell go!" I say. "Hold on missy. Hold on mrs.missy.!" I see him lick him lips. I slip my right arm from him and punch him in the face knocking him down. I try to run but the guys catch up to me and grab me. I hear him walk up behind me. "Caught me slipping. I gotcha." He says. He walks in front of me. I see him cock back his arm. He hit me. I start to cry. The next strike was toward my stomach. I fall the two guys pick me back up.

I was in absolute horror. The men behind me start to rip my pockets apart. While the old man and some other buff guy hold me down. I try kicking but it didn't work. They take my phone and My pocketbook. Which had nothing but credit cards in it. "YOU GOT EVERYTHING YOU WANT! NOW LET ME GO!" I cry out loud . "Not Just yet! Go away boys." I hear a belt being un-buckled. I knew it! If I survived this I was going to be scared for life. One guy stayed behind. He forced me onto my knees. I think in my head. "Who would suck this old peice of chicken skin." Just to try to make myself laugh mentally before I die of old-Dick-in-my-mouth diesease. I try to force my head back but the guy behind me pushed me forward.

A bright light coming from behind me  flashed down the hallway illuminating everything. The guy pulls his pants up and stares into the light. The only think I could think about was" Daum I'm glad I didn't have to put my mouth on that infected asss dick!" I look behind me as a buff tall figure steps out the car. "Who the Hell are you!" the man responded. Two of the old man's men walked up to the person trying to stop him, but he knocked them down with 1 punch each. I couldn't make out the face of this person, because of the headlights on the car. The man turned me around into a choke hold. The force was getting stronger and stronger around my neck.

I was being put to sleep. I feel my eyes start to droop. The person was walking toward us. I still could not make out his face. Before falling unconscious, my body falls to the ground as the person swiftly punches the old man in the face. I feel the man hit the ground. Then I feel hands pick me up

"Your going to be alright baby! I promise you!" I hear.

MICHAEL B. JORDAN IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now