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Loki woke up with an epic headache. "AAAARGH!" He shrieked, he tumbled out of bed and landed on the floor with a THUMP! He grabbed his head and squeezed it, trying to stop the pain. Suddenly, he realized something. He was in his room, next to his bed, and it was morning. "How, did I get here?" He asked himself. The door opened up and Thor walked through, carrying a tray with filled with breakfast, dandelions, a hot damp towel, and a hot mug of milk. "Thor, what are you doing here? What happened?" Loki asked. "You don't remember what happened, do you?" Thor asked, settling down the tray on a small table next to the bed. "Uuuh, no, not exactly," Loki said, straining his memory. "Well, let me refresh it for you," Thor said, handing him the mug of warm milk. "Last night we had a grand ball to celebrate my coming of throne, and I invited my girlfriend Jane, and you kinda started acting weird and drinking a lot---" FLASH! All the memories flooded back into Loki's head.

He remembered the party, the dancing, him getting drunk, and. . . . . . .Jane. That woman. "Ugh, I need to get her out of my head," Loki muttered to himself. "What was that?" Thor asked. "Nothing. I just said that I need to go out and get some fresh air. See ya later," Loki quickly commented. In no time, he went outside to wander about the beautiful scenery of Asgard's palace. He breathed in the fresh crisp morning air as he stared at the wonders of Asgard's wilderness. He thought about Jane and how she made him feel. Suddenly, he saw Sif passing by. "Sif!" He called. She turned around and saw him, then she smirked. "Well someone looks like they just fell out of bed," She said. "Yeah, sorry. I know I look like an idiot," He replied. "I had a hangover." "I thought so," She giggled. "Anyway, Sif, have you seen Jane?" Loki asked. "Not really. She left last night after the ball was over," She answered him.

"WHAT?!" Loki shouted in shock. Sif looked taken aback. "Uuuh, Loki?" She said in confusion. "I'm sorry," Loki apologized. "But where exactly did she go?" "Midgard. Why are you asking me all this?" Sif inquired. Loki felt his face turn hot. "Just wanted to know," He said. "She seemed like a really nice mortal, I just wanted to know where she resided so maybe we could visit her again sometime." Sif's eyes were wide and she looked like she had just seen a ghost. "What's wrong, Sif?" He questioned. "Okay, now you're acting EXTREMELY weird," She said. "This is the very first time you've EVER wanted to see or associate with someone ever again, and ESPECIALLY a MORTAL." "So what?" Loki asked, his face turning hotter by the minute. "There's nothing THAT weird about it, right?" "Uuuh, you're NOT well," Sif said, not being able to believe it. "I'm gonna go. Enjoy your day, weirdo." Loki rolled his eyes and said to himself, "Midgard. So THAT'S where she is. Of course that's where she is, she's a mortal and mortals live there. I must go visit her."

Loki strolled through the gardens, enjoying his day, when he bumped into Thor, who was picking roses. "What are you doing, brother?" He asked. "Picking roses, I'm going to Heimdall after this," He replied, plucking a pink and white rose from the bush. "You're giving roses to Heimdall?" Loki laughed. "Heavens, no. This is for Jane, I'm going to visit her," Thor replied. Loki's heart skipped a beat. "Can I come with you?" He asked. Thor smiled and said, "I don't see why not." Loki smiled back. For the first time, he was actually excited about going to Midgard, or in other words, Earth.     

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