To Sakaar It Is

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For the next couple of days, their ship just was on its course to find the demons, but they just didn't know where to go

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For the next couple of days, their ship just was on its course to find the demons, but they just didn't know where to go. "When we got this ship and I saw that it was magical I thought we could instantly find Thor! I GUESS WE WERE WRONG!" Erik shouted, kicking a can of rations across the deck. It bounced off the edge and off into stellar space. Erik gasped and the girls looked at him angrily. "That was our last can of rations, Erik. Thanks a lot," Darcy said, and she punched a barrel in frustration. "This is hopeless!" Then she looked at Jane. "Jane!  When was the last time we had a meal together? We haven't seen you at all these past couple of days, all it's been is going up and downstairs to fetch food for Loki who should be ALL WELL by now. Have you not thought of us all this time? Like, we're living beings too! We need food to survive!" Darcy snapped.

"Darcy, CALM DOWN," Jane told her. "Loki is healing, he needs the extra rations." "Yeah, and what about us, Jane?" Erik asked. "We haven't had a proper meal in days. In fact, who even knows if its been days at all? We're in outer space, and apparently not a normal outer space, otherwise we would have been frozen and dead by now!" "Erik, once Loki is back on his feet, I'm pretty sure he can help us. He might know something about these stars and how to find Thor, he's his brother," Jane insisted. "Oh, are you really telling me right now that you're still interested in Thor? I've seen the way you're always paying Loki visits, you're starting to cozy up to him," Erik said. "What?" Jane cried. "No! I'm just trying to be helpful!" "Yeah, maybe a bit too helpful," Darcy snickered. "Shut, up," Jane snarled. "Listen, I don't give a shit about Loki! That piece of annoying-ass crap can just die right there, I don't care. But if we don't have him with us, we won't be able to find freaking-ass THOR!" 

"Yeah, well, we could have just taken Odin's advice and stayed at home and done nothing," Darcy argued. "Home? What home? The home that is going up in flames right now? The home where the Avengers are busy fighting their own wars? Darcy, listen to what you are saying! Odin wasn't ever going to really do anything about it, all he was going to do was summon up a bunch of lazy-ass, uncooperative armies that wouldn't be enthusiastic about finding the future king of Asgard, PLUS the fact that it would take WAY too long like EVERYTHING that friggin-ass Odin ever does to incorporate help! Besides, I'm obviously an unwanted, mortal-shit, daughter-in-law that he never asked for. So why even go to him again, begging for help, the three of us mortals, when we know that is never going to happen?" Jane said, and she sighed as she walked off to look at the stars. Erik sighed and so did Darcy. "You know she's right," Erik told her. "I know," Darcy agreed. "And I understand it's super hard for her right now, but we just have to think rationally sometimes, not just out of emotion and out of who we love and want to protect. Do you know what I mean?" "I guess I do," Erik said, shrugging.

Suddenly, the ship rocked very sharply. Everyone screamed and fell over. Downstairs in the little quaint room, Loki yelped and tumbled out of bed, landing on his wound. "AAARGH!!!" He shrieked, grabbing his painful wound. "Is everyone okay?" Jane called. "Yeah!" Darcy and Erik replied. "What was that?" She asked. "Must have been some kind of asteroid," Loki said, trying to heave himself up on to deck. "Loki! Are you okay?" Jane asked, worried. Darcy and Erik exchanged looks. Jane gulped. "I mean, whatever the fuck, who cares! Like what the fuck are you doing outside of bed?" She asked. "Checking to see what happened, darling," Loki hissed. "God! I understand you don't want me in your presence, sweetheart, but at least let me be able to do what I want if it doesn't involve you." "That's exactly what I'm afraid of," Jane remarked. The ship rocked severely again and Loki lost his balance, flying towards Jane and crashing right into her cleavage. She shrieked and pushed him off. "Sorry about that, sweetheart," He replied, brushing brightly. "Shut UP!" She snarled. "GUYS!" Erik exclaimed. "Look!" They all looked and saw that their ship was being pulled into some kind of wormhole. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They all screamed. "TURN THE SHIP AROUND! TURN IT AROUND!" Jane dashed up to the wheel and tried to turn the ship, but it wouldn't budge.

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