The Sinister Beginning

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Loki was frozen

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Loki was frozen. This was the most horrifying moment he was having right now, it was extremely embarrassing. He was tangled up in cords, dangling high from the floor like an idiot. "Of course," He thought in his mind. "Perfect second impression. Now I look like some kind of weird-ass freak who likes floating around in the air." "What the HELL is going on here?" Jane shouted, looking around at all the toppled and fallen over equipment and research. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," Loki panicked. 

"Please forgive me, dear lady Jane. Please, please, please, please, please--" Jane giggled and then it turned into loud laughing. Loki wanted to crawl under a sofa and die right there, he couldn't feel more mortified than ever. "Well, well, well," She said, walking to him, trying to conceal her laughter. "Someone has been getting into trouble." "You're gonna kill me, aren't you?" He vocalized. Jane laughed. "So, Loki, brother of Thor. You think me, a mortal, can kill you?" She asked. Loki felt embarrassed about what he had just said, he felt his face turning hot. 

"Uuuum," He said. "Are you comfortable up there?" She questioned. "NO! What does it look like? Get me down from here!" He cried, squirming around. "Why were you even going through my stuff anyway?" She asked, staring at him closely. "Uuuuh," He gulped. "I w-w-was NOT, most certainly NOT doing that, what you think I was doing in here. I was just looking for you." "For me?" She asked. "Y-Yeah," He replied, trying to hide his blush, from which happened because Jane was so close to his face. 

She smiled in a strange way and said, "I'll help you down from there." She took out a knife and began slicing the cords. He began panicking once again. "Wait, no! Let me down nice and easy. NICE AND EASY!" CHIBLAM! Too late. Loki had landed on the floor splat on his back. Jane giggled and helped him up, swiping the dust off his clothes. "Why aren't you mad? I sneaked into your lab and started touching all kinds of stuff and--" "You're really funny," She interrupted him. "Just like yesterday when you were acting all funny around me and then fainted from getting drunk." Loki's face went hot. "I apologize for that," He apologized. "It's alright," She replied. "And I wasn't acting all funny around you," Loki remarked. Jane giggled her special giggle once again. "Are you sure?" She asked, her eyes glistening. Loki's insides melted away once again. 

Before he could answer, Thor, Darcy, and Erik all came down the steps into the basement. "Oh, there you are, Jane! You found her, Loki," Thor said. "This is where you told me to go," Loki replied. "Thor!" Jane cried, she ran to him and threw her arms around him. "Jane!" Thor exclaimed in joy. "My love, I brought you something." He handed her a bouquet of luscious flowers he had found in a garden. "Oh my! Clavels! Roses! All my favorite kinds! Oh Thor, how did you know?" She asked. "I knew you would love them," He replied, smiling warmly. Jane grabbed the bouquet and took a good whiff of it. "I love it," She said, her eyes gleaming with love. Loki frowned, he didn't know why he felt, why he felt this way. This feeling. This upset, no-good feeling. Could it be? No. Never. Why would he feel like that?

"Did you enjoy the ball last night?" Thor questioned. "Of COURSE I did!" She replied. Suddenly, the computers and technology all over the lab began powering crazy and a red alarm blared throughout the room. "What's going on?" Darcy asked in fright, hiding behind Erik. "Oh no," Jane uttered, she dashed to her computer and saw a red emergency triangle saying: DANGER! DANGER! EMERGENCY! "I can't believe this!" She gasped, she shook the computer and it turned on to a screen showing lots of research going nuts. "The data is all over the place!" "What is happening, Jane?" Erik urged, everyone gathered up around the computer to see. "There's something altering the system. In fact, it's breaking through it!" Jane replied.

"My God, it looks like some kind of extra-terrestrial alien force," Erik pointed out, flabbergasted. Everyone held their breath and then a code of some unknown language began typing through. KAPLOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The computer exploded and burned up, everyone screamed and jumped back. Breathing heavily, they all exchanged horrified looks. "Guys, do you know what this means?" Jane asked. "No, we don't. Because apparently, only YOU know how to speak so-called alien," Loki teased. "This is SERIOUS!" Jane shouted, Loki backed off. Gulping nervously, Jane said slowly for everyone to hear, "Our system is detecting something unusual in the atmosphere. Something dangerous."

"OKAY!" Erik cried. "THAT'S IT! I'm leaving." "What? What do you mean?" Jane asked. "I'm with him," Darcy agreed, stepping next to Erik. "What is WRONG with you people? This is very serious, possibly an extra-terrestrial threat, and you want to BACK OFF?" Jane yelled in disbelief. "Well, yes," Darcy replied. "I can't believe you guys right now," Jane scoffed at them. "Jane, do you know what this alien threat is?" Thor asked. "No, I don't," She replied. "But I do know from what the message might have been saying is . . . . . . . Earth is under attack."

-So how did you guys like it? I PROMISE I will start updating QUICKER!             

With All The Love In My Heart :)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя