The Grandmaster!

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Jane woke up. 

It was complete darkness.

She couldn't move. 

She began panicking.

"Where am I? What's going on? Darcy? Erik? Loki? WHY AM I ALOOOONE???!!!!" 

Suddenly, a bunch of lights flashed on. She was strapped to a metal chair and she was stuck, her blouse was busted open, revealing her bra. She couldn't move and so there was no way for her to cover up her severely exposed cleavage. She hated when her breasts were exposed like that.

She tried to free herself, but the handcuffs were very tight and unbreakable. Then she looked up. It seemed as if her chair was flying through a beautiful, wondrous galaxy. She was just starting to feel calm again when some creepy-ass, electronic girl voice started talking in her ear.

"Hello there, you are about to meet the Grandmaster!" The girl's voice chanted. "Who's that? WHO ARE YOU?! GET OUT OF MY HEEEEEEEEEEAD!!!!!!" Jane screamed. The 'Grandmaster' echoed in her ears very loudly, ringing and splitting her head.

Jane was screaming at the top of her lungs and did not even realize that the galaxy was gone and so was the voice; she was in a throne room, at least it looked like one; except it was extremely run-down. 

Breathing heavily and cold sweat rolling down her forehead, Jane faced an elderly man who had tan skin, blue face paint, grey hair, rings on his fingers, and was wearing outrageous robes. "Welcome!" He announced gleefully, as if she were the best thing he had ever encountered in his whole life. "Welcome, newcomer! You just arrived a few moments after your other dear, lovely friends!" "Who the fuck are you?" Jane snapped rage fully. "Wow, what a nice girl. Love the blouse, love how you exposed yourself there," The old man laughed, he eyed her breasts. "Love it a lot." 

Jane wanted to puke! Then she noticed Darcy by her side, also struggling to free herself. Her shirt had also been ripped open. "Darcy!" Jane cried. "Jane! Who did this to our shirts?" Darcy asked. "It's disgusting!" "I did," The girl who had captured them said, she was standing next to the Grandmaster's throne chair and leaning on it. "He asked me to do that, he said he likes the sight of voluptuous women with little clothes on like you." Darcy and Jane's mouths dropped open in revolt!

"That's disgusting!" Erik cried. "Erik, shhhh!" Loki shushed him with a warning. "I suggest you keep your mouth shut for the next couple of minutes, despite their silly appearance, these people don't look too friendly or merciful." The girl noticed Loki speaking to Erik and strolled over to him. "Hey there, sweetheart," She said, caressing him, then she slapped him ferociously.

"Okay, that escalated quickly," Erik commented. "Shut up, you dumbass," The girl remarked at him. "Okay, that's my cue," Erik replied. "And now I am shutting up." "I found you out in the junkyard, honey," She told Loki as she played with his long hair. "You were pretty dirty, but we got rid of a few of the banana peels and such. You'll need a lengthy bath after this, 'cause you still stink, although the odor doesn't quite mask the dishy radiance you emit which overpowers it." Loki felt his face turn hot. 

All the while Jane balled her fists in anger. She hated this girl so much already. 

"Leave him alone!" Jane yapped at her. The girl looked at Jane and giggled. "Oh please, you psycho-looking bitch, I can do whatever I fucking want. Call me out like that again and it's over for you and your grotesque friends," The girl threatened her, then she stroked Loki's face. "Maybe except for you, hotness-on-a-plate." "Hotness-on-a-plate?!" Erik gasped in disgust. The girl took out a dagger and shot it at Erik, he screeched and it landed into the chair he was sitting in, inches away from his trembling, fearful face. "That's the last word I wanna hear outta you, grandpa. You got it?" The girl warned. "Got it," Erik wheezed in terror.

"Who are you people? What do you want from us? Why are we captured like this?" Darcy questioned nervously. "Pretty mama, calm it with your nerves. It's just me, your sexy Grandmaster," The old man told her with a smile. "Oh ew," Jane said, looking away. "You there, the one with the attitude," He said, pointing to Jane. "Come here." "What? How am I supposed to---" The Grandmaster snapped his fingers and Jane's chair came automatically rolling up to his throne chair. "Listen, hon," He said, placing his hands on her shoulders. "In all honesty, you're the type of girl I want to fuck. But I have to restrain my temptations to be able to work with people like you. I need you to know that you and your ugly friends, I mean your other girlfriend there is absolutely HOT-ASS and I want to severely fuck her too, but I need you guys to know that you have been brought here for a very special purpose and you will soon find it out. But you need to cooperate with me for the next couple of, say, hours and then you will find out the purpose of your presence here. Trust me, it's extremely important and you won't regret being captured by me. Especially because I'm sexy and I'm glad to have sexy prisoners like you. Even your old grandpabbie there is sexy, he is. I wanna fuck him too, trust me. So, are we on an agreement or not?" 

Jane and her friends' mouths were dropped open in disbelief at how crazy and gross and lowlife this Grandmaster person was; in their lives they had never met a person more crude and vulgar and messed up than he was. "Excuse me?" Jane asked in shock, the confusion of this man's words were more than she could have ever handled. "Good! That's the answer I was hoping for! Glad we all agree on stuff here, again, I love the outfit," The Grandmaster said, his hands slid over her bust. Jane tried to bite him and he quickly pulled his hands away. "Okay, biting off people's hands was never in the contract, hon. 'Kay? Honestly, what do I have to do to get women to like me? God," The Grandmaster said. "Scrapper 142! Please take these gracious, openly-welcome new guests of honor to their guest rooms of honor! Thank you and now I commence eating my big, highly-processed, highly unhealthy dinner my guards are about to give me. On with it!" And he clapped his hands. 

"Yes, Grandmaster," The girl who was apparently numbered Scrapper 142 as a name replied, she touched his face and the Grandmaster made a sexually excited face. 

"Ugh, ew, I just want to be out of here already!" Erik complained. The Grandmaster winked at him. Erik almost fainted. "Calm down, gramps, we're taking you and your friends to be bathed. Just calm down," Scrapper 142 said. "What if we don't want to be bathed?" Loki asked. "Well that's not really your choice, now is it, love?" Scrapper 142 chuckled. Loki couldn't help but smile; this girl was pretty tantalizing. But Jane couldn't help but grit her teeth in anger, she was so angry at this girl and despised her so much already that she could just rip her head off right there and end her.

"I don't know what's wrong with you guys, I'd LOVE to take a shower and get all this filth and grime off myself," Darcy said. "See? At least ONE of you has a brain," Scrapper 142 laughed. 

Loki laughed too. But Jane just felt the fury boil through her body as Scrapper 142 followed their automatically-moving chairs all the way to the spa room.     

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