Getting Help

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They dashed across the bridge on horses, trying to get to Asgard as fast as possible

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They dashed across the bridge on horses, trying to get to Asgard as fast as possible. "I can't believe it! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Jane screamed. "JANE! Calm down!" Loki urged. "No, I won't calm down. I WON'T! I knew it, I knew it ALL this time and everyone DOUBTED ME! THOR IS GONE, THOR IS IN DANGER!" She yelled. "THOOOOOOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And that was when Loki noticed huge tears emerging from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks as they rode on the galloping horses. He felt so sorry for her, he just wanted to help her so bad. Despite the fact that if Thor came back he would take Jane away from him, Loki was not a bad person deep on the inside. He was willing to do whatever it took to keep Jane happy forever on and on. "JANE!" Loki roared. She looked at him sharply, her eyes wide with horror and glistening with tears. Surer than ever, Loki responded, "We will find him." 

Somehow, Jane knew he was telling the truth. She felt like she could trust him, like she could trust him with her life. Was Loki really more than people said he was? But she had no time to think, they had already arrived at the Asgardian palace. Before they were taken to the throne room to be introduced to Odin Allfather, they took Erik, Darcy, and Jane to be changed into more formal, Asgard-suitable clothing. Loki didn't have to change, he just used his magical flashy green powers to change into a new suit with golden horns. "Show-off," Jane muttered. Loki laughed. Some Asgardian ladies took Darcy and Jane to a room to change them, and some Asgardian men took Erik to a room and changed him. Out he came with a brand new Asgardian look, robes with shiny bling. "Whoa, I never felt more elegant in my entire life. What is this attire made of? It is so fascinating," Erik said in awe, admiring his glamorous look. Loki raised his eyebrows and said, "Yeah, it looks great on you, actually." 

"Are you ready, ladies?" The women asked as they opened the door. Out walked Jane and Darcy, both in new Asgardian dresses. "Oh my God!" Darcy exclaimed in ecstasy. "I feel like a princess!" She twirled around in her dress, it was grey with sparkling diamonds decorated and embroidered all over it, it had light grey silk scarf with bracelets on her arms close to her shoulders and rings on her fingers. Her hair was done into a beautiful french braid and she had diamond earrings. She also had gorgeous grey diamond-garnished heels. Jane had a heaven white dress with many floral designs on it and sparkles. She had a beautiful white glittery head wear on top and they curled her hair into beautiful locks. She had amazing white see-through diamond heels. Both of them had a fair amount of cleavage, in fact, maybe a little too much. Loki stared at Jane in amazement, he couldn't believe how amazing she looked right now.

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