Run For Your Life

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Everyone was silent

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Everyone was silent. "Jane," Thor began. "What do you mean, Earth is under attack?" "That's exactly what I mean," Jane replied. "The alien message was hinting very clearly at the fact that danger was coming, and this danger isn't normal danger like your brother for instance." Loki laughed, but no else did. "What? It's funny," He said. "Well now isn't the time for any of your jokes or mischief, brother," Thor answered him. "This is very serious, it's very dangerous and perilous. What else did the alien message say, Jane?" "I can't tell you. It's too much," Jane gulped. "It's alright," Thor comforted her, he caressed her and Loki wanted to yak. 

Jane, who was breathing very heavily and frighteningly, said, "Demons." Everybody gasped! "It can't be," Thor said in horror. "But it is," Jane continued. "This is like nothing I've ever seen before. It's even more worse than the Dark Elves or the Frost Giants or the aliens that attacked New York." "But why would they come here? To Earth specifically?" Thor asked. "That's the question we ask for every creepy-ass dude who comes down here to bother us," Erik commented. "There has to be a reason," Loki chimed in. "There's always a reason." "Thanks for letting us know, guy-who-ALREADY-tried-to-make-a-move-on-New-York," Erik said. "Erik!" Jane hissed. "What?" Erik asked. "Jane, what do the aliens want from us?" Thor asked. "I DON'T KNOW!" Jane cried in frustration. "But, are they coming?" Loki asked. Jane looked at him, opened her mouth, but before she could say anything----

 CHIBLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone had fallen over on to the floor. Everything was shaking: the ground, the walls, everything! They were all screaming. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Erik screamed. "EVERYBODY STAY TOGETHER AND GET UNDER A TABLE! NOW!" Jane yelled at the top of her lungs. They all immediately stopped, dropped, and rolled under a table, the whole lot of them squashed up together in one bunch hiding. Suddenly, the rumbling stopped. Everything was silent. "What happened?" Darcy asked. "I-I don't know," Jane said. "It just suddenly stopped." "What even was that?" Erik asked. "Well, we're about to find out!" Thor said, quickly crawling out from under the table and charging up the staircase to the basement door. "THOR, NO!" Jane shouted. "Heroic idiot," Loki thought. "Always wants to be in the spotlight." 

"Thor, come BACK!" Jane cried, chasing after him. "No, Jane!" Loki shouted, he chased after her. Darcy looked at Erik, they exchanged skeptical looks. "Yeah I thought so. Me too," Darcy said. "I'm staying here, for sure," Erik added. Thor had run outside of the building, and Jane and Loki had caught up with him. "Thor, get back inside! Now!" Jane hissed. "No," Thor replied. "Look." The town was crowded with people coming out of their houses and shops and diners and looking around to see what had happened. "What the hell was that?" An old man asked. "A flippin' earthquake?" "Sure felt like one," Another agreed.

"That was no earthquake," Thor announced. Everyone gasped! A huge, gigantic black and dark, scary and sinister, lightning-crackling, thunder-booming, funnel cloud was swirling and growing bigger in the sky. The entire town began panicking and running around, screaming. "EVERYBODY! GO AND ESCAPE NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! SEEK SAFE AND REMOTE SHELTER AND KEEP SECURE!" Thor roared at the top of his voice. Everyone began fleeing while Thor stayed where he was, slowly approaching the funnel cloud. "What the hell is THAT?" Jane asked, her mouth dropped open. "Can we just go?" Loki asked, quite afraid of the funnel cloud. Thor focused his eyes on the funnel cloud as it grew larger and larger, it seemed to be opening up a blasting magical portal that seemed like it was threatening.

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