All for You

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I let go of everything I wanted,
Changed myself to your idea of perfection.
Let go of the dreams I wanted to pursue,
Only to make you happy.

I let go of my dreams,
to follow the maps you drew for me.
I broke all my crayons and
started colouring all my smiles grey.

I left the boy with big, ambitious dreams behind
because he scared you a bit.
He was too fearless for you.
"Too mature," you thought.

I changed everything
about who I wanted to be.
I tried to reach the stars you drew for me
without, for a second,
thinking about the skies that I dreamt of reaching
or who I wanted to be,
because I just wanted to be your favourite again.

I wanted you to look at me the way you'd look at him.
I wanted to be your whole world again,
but I failed.
You never saw me
and I was a stranger to myself.

I changed myself,
all for you,
but you still didn't care enough to notice the changes i made all for you.

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