why i write

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For so long,
I felt stifled.
I felt like I couldn't say what
I wanted to say
because I was so afraid of conflict,
I was so afraid of offending others.

When you cage yourself for that long,
when you lock your voice away
and hold your opinions hostage,
you're going to need an outlet
The caged bird will have to find
a way to sing,
one way or another.

So, my outlet,
my way out,
was writing.
If I had the words
but couldn't find the strength to speak,
I would write.
When my voice would run,
my pen always stayed by my side.

And in time,
I found the strength to speak
without fear
but writing will always be
my favourite form of expression.
Writing has healed me
in so many ways.
I found myself in
the pages I scribbled on
and that was the best kind
of freedom for me.

When my voice fails me,
my hands will always
be there to do the things my mouth failed to do.
Writing is therapy,
it is home.

When I write,
I write to fix broken hearts,
I write to heal my soul,
I write to set the captives of my mind free,
I write to give my butterfly wings,

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