Thank You | Sequel Information

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Hey y'all! It's ya girl Alli.

Wanted to start this off by saying THANK YOU to all those that have supported this story whether you were here from the beginning (especially if you were here from the beginning) or came here later on.

Especially because I got to share my college graduation with you guys <33

I appreciate every single one of you, value each of your comments, your reads, and your votes Ghost readers, I love you too <3

I had a lot of fun with this story, with this whole series. Oops, did I say that? Yes, this is a series now!

Wait... you all knew there was another part coming already LOL

I don't think I told you guys the name, did I?


It's called The Psychiatrist.


Okay, so here is a breakdown of how things are gonna go

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Okay, so here is a breakdown of how things are gonna go. Please ask any questions if something is confusing, because sometimes I'm bad at explaining stuff.

1.) The name of the sequel is The Psychiatrist. This story will not be posted until the end of August on August 25th (this is a Saturday)

2.) For those of you who have been reading Slave Nation and Adrenaline, I will finish uploading one of them. Slave Nation will most likely be fully uploaded, because Adrenaline is like over 100 chapters long and it takes a LONG LONG LONG time to edit. In fact, Adrenaline may be discontinued indefinitely until I can get everything else finished.

Side note: for those of you who don't know, Adrenaline was the first major story that I posted on my profile. It's my baby, it used to be a fan fiction until I turned it into a novel. Its first draft is over 115 chapters long. I love that story and those characters like they're my children because they are, lol.

3.) I will be taking this break to write out The Psychiatrist, because I'm not sure of whether I will be attending grad school in the fall. If I do, it will be an MBA program. An MBA is a LOT of work and this a two year program, so I wanted to write out as much of The Psychiatrist as possible, so I can balance it all out.

Below is a timeline that I've created for myself, to guide me and you guys through this.

July 7th - August 1st

Other stories get uploaded (every Friday), three stories removed (not sure which ones yet)

August 2nd - August 21st

Continuous writing of The Psychiatrist

August 25th

The Psychiatrist will be posted August 25th (This is a Saturday because I have to work a game on August 24th and it's a HUGE HUGE game. I'm talking massive, so I have to be focused at work.)

Posting schedule will resume on Fridays after August 25th.

In the meantime, feel free to rad my other stories :)

Don't be strangers! Y'all can still hit me up while I'm on a mini hiatus :P

See you guys soon!

Love you!

- Alli <3

The Admirer: The Doll Collector SequelWhere stories live. Discover now