Chapter Twenty Five

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We were all exhausted by the time we returned to the manor after burying David, the work men especially after the effort that had put into the burial arrangements.

Despite all of the work that still needed to be done, everyone retired to their rooms upon returning in order to get more rest in hopes that it'd alleviate both the mental and physical draining of such a sudden loss.

By late evening we all had started to trickle out of our rooms once again, alert but still heavily sombre from the mornings events.

Over time we all found our way into the kitchen, sitting in mismatching seats and staring at our cups, which mostly remained untouched, in silence.

Beats passed and no one said a word, the air was tense and awkward as unspoken grievances and accusations lay heavily between us all.

How many of them would continue to suspect Robert?

Would he think of leaving now that the scrutiny of the other men painted him as a murderer?

What would it take to convince them otherwise?

"Blast this."

I jumped at Nathaniel's sudden exclamation, my attention, as well as everyone else's, was immediately drawn to him.

"I ain't moping about just because that bastard is dead," he continued.

His chair squealed against the floor painfully as he prepared to heave himself out of his seat.

"I know for a fact that he hid some liquor in his room, I say we break it open and have ourselves a merry time in his memory."

"Is that okay?" Hille asked, glancing around the table. "Taking his stuff, I mean."

"He's dead, he ain't gonna miss it."

"The man has a point," Father spoke up, "it may as well be put to good use and what better way than to celebrate the son of a bitch himself?"

"I can play the piano," Jonathan chimed, though he shied away when everyone turned their attention to him. "I just happened to notice one in the drawing room that I could use, a little alcohol and some music would be wonderful."

An unpleasant shudder coursed through me at the mention of the piano, I had avoided that particular area since my last experience there but perhaps being in company would make it a little easier and less intimidating.

Everyone else seemed keen on the idea, they were perfectly content with a small gathering of work associates using their deceased bosses' alcohol to celebrate him.

It was a bit morbid to think of it in that regard, but they were the brutal facts.

With faint murmurs between us all, we all got up and shuffled into the other room whilst Ben wandered off to find the hidden bottles.

Jonathan immediately sat at the piano and pressed a few of the keys experimentally before jumping into a cheerful tune, one that seemed to instantly lift the mood of those around.

It was shortly after this first song had ended that Ben returned, carrying four large and unlabelled bottles, all of them far larger than I had anticipated and they made me wonder how he had manager to 'hide' them for all this time from the others.

Soon the drinks were flowing and some of us started to dance, though few had any rhythm.

Alex and Hille swung each other around with linked arms, the rest of us laughing and clapping in time to the song in encouragement.

The lift in the mood seemed to turn their attitude towards Robert for the better, there were no hesitations or lingering dark looks when he finally decided to step up and join them during the fifth song.

It was wonderful to see him coming out of his shell a little more after everything that happened, watching him laugh as he danced opposite George really helped to settle my worries about the remainder of his time in the manor.

The evening quickly shifted to early night and the alcohol was beginning to take effect, Jonathan's piano playing became sporadic as he too helped himself to a few drinks every now and then.

Mother and Father retired to bed once again shortly after the sun finally set, leaving me in the care of the men.

At least to the best of their abilities considering their intoxication.

Alex, Ben and George were all sat in one corner, drunkenly discussing some politics I didn't personally care for whilst Hille fussed over China, who was relishing at the attention from the drunk man.

Jonathan sat back at the piano after his glass had emptied once again and he started to play a slower song, the slow tune helping to keep Nathaniel in his snooze in the chair that sat in the corner of the room.

I took a sip from the tea I had made then rested the cup delicately in my lap when an outstretched hand unexpectedly invaded my vision.

"What is it, Robert?" I asked with a light laugh, lifting my eyes to meet his.

"I'd like to dance," he replied with a cheerful smile.

"And what makes you believe that I can dance?" I grinned, raising the cup coyly to my lips to take another sip, one of my eyebrows quirking up a little.

"I doesn't matter whether you can or can't, it is the fun you have doing it that is important."

I stared up at him with a blank expression, though fighting down a pleased smile at his hopeful look proved difficult the longer I tried.

"Good answer," I conceded, setting my cup down to one side before taking his hand.

He gave me a light tug to assist in my standing up and instantly led me to the middle of the room, one hand resting on the small of my back whilst he kept the other clasped in his hand.

"Just trust me and follow my step."

"Maybe not asking me to dance would have been a smarter thing," I laughed.

"And leave you sitting alone to one side? Never."

I hadn't noticed that we had already started moving to the music, thought at that moment it was mostly a light swaying in place with the occasional turn on the spot.

A silence fell between us as we moved together, the music taking over all other sounds and making the rest of the room fade out as my attention stayed solely on Robert.

It was undeniable that he was a handsome man with a wonderful personality, perhaps too wonderful.

There was no way that no other woman had fallen to this man's enticing personality, but in that one moment I felt like I was the only one to ever see this side of him.

"When did you become such a charmer?" I joked in order to stop my mind from ruining this moment.

"Perhaps I've always been and you simple haven't noticed."

I looked up at him and let out another light laugh at the impish expression on his face, a cheeky twinkle lighting up his pale blue eyes.

He soon began to lead us into a more extravagant pattern, moving further around the small space we had free.

There was something freeing about dancing, especially with a partner, moving so fluidly as if we were mere bodies of water.

As we danced I felt drawn close to Robert, being so close to him caused my heart to jump and my stomach to flutter in an uncomfortably giddy manner.

I found that tearing my eyes away from his proved difficult and it seemed that the original space between us was slowly diminishing.

Despite acknowledging all this, I was still taken by surprise when he leaned in completely and pressed his lips to mine.

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