Movers (Nick Gant/Push)

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This One-Shot is dedicated to @slytherin_queen12

Third Person's P.O.V.

Kerry woke up like usual in her tiny apartment in Hong Kong. She changed and sat on her bed drinking a cold beer. There wasn't much she could really do.

She could go out to eat and pay with none existing money. Or she could gamble and try to win some money.

She decided to gamble. She's pretty good at it especially cause she can move the dices so that she wins.

You might be thinking 'How the heck does she do that?' Well she's a Mover she can move objects with her mind.

Anyways she made her way to a basket ball court (a.n. Tehehe) and there were some men gambling.

She joined in and started betting. At the end of it all she had around 3 thousand in cash.

After that she would go to the court everyday and gamble winning much money. But today was different. A man who she hadn't ever seen came. The men who were gambling knew him very well and not in a good way.

She ignored the mystery man and continued gambling.

"Nick Gant," he said extending his hand to her.

"Mhm," she said not even looking up.

"Are you gonna tell me your name or am I gonna have to make one up?" he said.

She sighed and looked up. She was shocked by a well built man with gorgeous blue eyes.

"Kerry," she said taking his hand.

The rest of the day they gambled together and laughed at each other's jokes.

He made a beat with one of the men and they threatened to have him beaten.

Kerry watched Nick throw the dices she then realized that he was using his fingers to move the dices. He was a Mover too. Was he with Division? Well there's only one way to find out.

As the dices slowed down one kept moving. Soon it landed on a number that meant he hade lost. Kerry quickly moved it so that he won. No one noticed her action including Nick.

Soon it got late and Nick walked Kerry back to her apartment.

"I hade fun today," Nick admitted.

"Me too," she said.

Now was time to see if he was with Division.

"Wanna come in?" she asked seductively.

"Um sure," he said nervously.

He had never had a serious relationship since Kira. Even thinking about her made him sad. She was pulled into joining Division by powerful Pushers and she never came back.

Once Kerry closed the door Nick pushed her up against the door and started kissing her ruffly. She didn't complain. They both soon fell on the bed and started removing each other's clothing.

When they were in their undergarments they fell off the bed. They both laughed. But Kerry took the chance to pull the gun she had under the bed and pointed it at Nick's head.

He got up and put his hands up in defence still in his underwear.

"Are you with Division?" she asked standing up.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You know what I mean Mover," she said.

"Wow how do I know you're not Division?" he asked.

"Because Division killed my parents when I was 8!" she exclaimed.

"I'm not Division, if anything a few days ago I came back from like a quest to try and take down Division," he said.

"That was you?" she asked.

He nodded.

"Sorry about the whole freaking out thing I'm just very self conscious," she said lowering the gun.

"It's fine. What are you anyways?" he asked.

She let go of the gun and made it hover back to its spot under the bed.

"Ah Mover too, no wonder your so good at gambling, you cheat," he said walking closer to her.

"I do not I just play around with chance," she said taking a step towards him.

He nodded and put his hand on her cheek. He then slowly brought his lips to hers.

Soon enough Nick was on top of her on the bed.

"Wanna see a cool trick?" he asked.

"Sure," she said.

He then used his telekinesis to unclip her bra. She laughed and continued kissing him...

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