Protecting You (Chris Evans)

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This One-Shot is dedicated to: @Aspagnotti


Third Person's P.O.V.

Today was the day of Sabrina's work's holiday party. She didn't want to go so much but Chris insisted since he wanted to meet the people she worked with.

They entered the club where it was being held and it was packed with people. Sabrina and Chris squished their way through the club until they found Sabrina's boss, Mr. Harris.

She didn't like him very much every time a woman would leave his office they would have stupid grin on their face.

"Ah Sabrina nice to see you," Harris said putting out his hand for her to shake.

She took it hesitantly.

"Who's this?" he asked looking at Chris puzzled.

"Oh this is my boyfriend The Chris Evans, also known as super muscular super soldier who can kick a lot of ass," she said almost as if warning him.

"Hello there," he said shacking Chris' hand.

"Nice to meet you," Chris said, "I'm going to go get us some drinks."

Chris soon left leaving Sabrina alone with Harris. He was completely checking her out.

"So how you doing?" he asked her as he took a step closer to her.

She took a step back.

"Fine," she said looking away.

He took another step closer to her and she took another step back. Her back was now pressed against a wall.

"Yes you are fine," he said looking her up and down.

He then pinned her arms to the wall.

"Don't fight it you know you've wanted this for along time," he said smirking.

Just as she was about to scream a hand grabbed Harris by the shoulder and pulled him away from Sabrina.

"What the hell is your problem!" Chris yelled at Harris.

"Can't you see I'm trying to have a moment?" Harris asked.

Shit was about to go down.

"Ya a moment with my girlfriend!" Chris yelled.

You could see how mad he was by his eyes. They turned from their normal blue to a dark shade of blue.

"Realax dude I'm just gonna take her to the bathroom play around a little bit then she's all yours," Harris smirked.

Chris got really pissed and punched Harris across the face.

"Chris!" Sabrina yelled.

Chris didn't pay attention to Sabrina he just kept punching Harris until he saw stars.

She then grabbed his arm and he looked at her in one of the meanest ways.

She had one glance at him and ran away crying. Chris then realized what he had done and went to follow her.

"Sabrina!" he yelled as he followed her to the bathroom.

"Just leave me alone you crazy maniac!" she yelled from the inside of the bathroom.

"I was just trying to protect you," he explained.

"Ya well you didn't have to kill him!" she yelled.

"I didn't kill him, he just has a bloody nose," he tried to reason.

"Oh ya that's much better," she said sarcastically.

Chris sighed.

"That look you gave me, it really scared me. You looked like some kind of murderer," he explained.

At this point Chris was sat against the door on the outside and Sabrina was doing the same at the inside.

"I'm so sorry for scaring you I just wanted to protect you. I love you with all my heart and I would die if something were to happen to you," he said.

"Aw, I love you too Chris. I just over exaggerated," she said wiping the tears on her cheek.

She then got up and opened the door. Chris looked up at her. She had had mascara running down her eyes.

He got up and took her hands.

"It's not your it's all my fault don't say anything," he said pulling her into a hug.

"You know I kind of feel a little horny right now after all this fighting," she whispered in his ear.

He looked at her a bit surprised. She bit her lip and he grinned.

He brought his lips to her's and kissed her deeply.

Still kissing she pulled him into the bathroom and locked the door. She the rummaged with his belt until she finally took it of and pulled down his pants.

He then grabbed the bottom of her dress and pulled it up. Soon both their underwear's were off and he was thrusting in and out of her like there was no tomorrow.

'What a life,' she thought to herself during the amazing sex.



Hey guys sorry it's late and as you can see I've been kind of upgrading how smutty the smut is. At one point I'll be comfortable doing complete smut. Like in the Whats Your Number ff when the time comes I'll try to make it super smutty.

Anyways hope you like it.



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