Blind Dating (Hayden "Harvard Hottie"/Nanny Diaries)

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This One-Shot is dedicated to: @slytherin_queen12


Third Person's P.O.V.

Evan walked in the park with a baby she was babysitting, Tiffany.

She's a type C nanny.

"Hey Evan!" she heard someone yell.

She turned to see her good friend and fellow nanny Annie with Grayer.

"Hey," she said as Annie approached.

"Sooooo how's the search for 'the one' going," Annie asked.

Evan is 21 and since she's got a job (not the best one) she wants to find Mr. Right.

"Not good, the last date I went on the guy threw up on me," she said gagging.

"Ew, well guess what?" Annie asked.

"What?" Evan asked not really interested.

"There's a really cute guy in my building who is such a sweet heart," Annie said.

"Gasp!" Evan said dramatically covering her mouth, "You going for him?" she continued as she raised her eyebrows.

"No, I was thinking maybe you would want to," Annie said.

"Ya no thank you I'm done with dating, why don't you go for him?" Evan asked.

"Because let's just say I'm already getting some and I feel bad that you're not," Annie said.

"Oh my god you're not a virgin anymore," Evan asked shocked.

"What's a virgin?" little Grayer asked.

"Nothing," Annie said to him but he looked conflicted.

"Who is he?" Evan asked.

"He was a guy I met picking up Grayer from school. He's also a nanny, his name is Peter," Annie said.

"Peter the nanny? Wow. Well good for you," Evan said.

"That's why you should go out with Hayden so we can go on double dates," Annie insisted.

"So his name is Hayden and you want me to go out with him? I need more info," Evan said.

"Well let's see, he's very buff so he'd be good in bed and he's blonde, with blue eyes and in my mind I call him Harvard Hottie," Annie said.

"Are you nuts? I can't go out with some rich kid who went to Harvard, he'd totally reject me," Evan complained.

To her all men with money were pigs. They spend their money on shit and they are full of themselves.

"No, he's a nice guy, just give him a chance," Annie insisted.

"Fine," Evan gave in.

"Great he'll meet you at the restaurant across the street," Annie said.

"Wait you already made the date?" Evan asked.

"Yup," Annie said, "Wear something pretty."

Annie then left with Grayer following.

"Don't ever agree to a blind date," Evan said to Tiffany.

Tiffany just giggled and Evan smiled pushing the little one in the stroller back to the building.

Once she arrived into the apartment her boss was there.

"Hello Ms. Sombers," Evan greatest her, "I was wondering if I could get tonight off?"

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