Shifting Love (Nick Gant/Push)

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This One-Shot is dedicated to @Foreveralone_fangirl


Third Person's P.O.V.

Elisabeth sat in a restaurant in Hong Kong. She's hiding from Devision at the moment. They've been looking for her for years. She is one of the most powerful shifters ever.

Today while she was hanging out in her apartment they came knocking at her door. She escaped through the window and was now at a restaurant.

She sat at the table waiting for the right time to leave. Until the unexpected happened. She felt a gun touch her head.

"You're coming with us Elizabeth," a man said.

She had a chop stick in her hand and transformed it into a pointy metal stick. She was about to stable the man but another man injected her with something in a syringe.

She felt loopy. They hade obviously drugged her.

One man grabbed her by one arm and the other one grabbed her by the other arm.

"We're going on the next plane back to the US," one man said.

"Your heads shiny," she said patting his head.

He just ignored her and they continued dragging her.

She then randomly started laughing.

"Shut the fuck up!" the other man yelled pointing a gun at her.

"Oh are going to kill me," she asked innocently.

Meanwhile a watcher by the name of Cassie and a mover by the name of Nick were walking down the street.

"Are you sure she's here?" Nick asked Cassie.

"I'm sure I saw her being held by two Devision guys, she was all loopy so they must of drugged her," Cassie said.

"What does she have to do in your master plan?" Nick asked.

"She's going to help us too. My mom told me that it was going to be you and her helping me find the case," she stated.

"Ok," he said.

"You're a funny guy Agent what's your face," Elizabeth almost yelled.

"Found her," Cassie said pointing at her.

"Hey look who it is? Whatcha doing here?" one of the men asked Nick.

"Is this the girl you were looking for?" Nick asked.

"No we just found her along the way and we have been looking for her so we thought why not take her now?" the man said.

"You're hot," Elizabeth said to Nick.

He ignored her and continued.

"I think you should let her go," Nick said.

"Why would we do that? Are you going to hurt us with your weak powers?" the other man asked putting a gun to Elizabeth's head.

"Wow, wow, wow," Nick said putting his hand out.

A wave came out of his and pushed the two men and Elizabeth back.

"You just keep impressing," Cassie said running over to Elizabeth.

Nick followed and picked Elizabeth up throwing her over his shoulder. The two men got up and started shooting at them as they ran away. Many people in the streets fled franticly.

Soon Nick, Cassie and Elizabeth were out off sight.



"Sorry for before," Elizabeth said to Nick, "I must of been a drag."

Elizabeth, Nick, Cassie and the two new members of their little group Pinky and Kira were now in a hotel room.

"It's fine and you weren't, it was nice to have someone compliment me," he said.

She blushed. Elizabeth was drugged for quite a while. The whole time she was telling Nick how hot he was. Surprisingly enough it wore off when she found out that Kira and Nick once had a fling.

Anyways, Cassie soon left after not being listened too. Kira then left the bathroom and went to a local restaurant with Pinky following. Elizabeth then went to the bathroom leaving Nick alone.

She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. Nick was something else. He was different. In a good way though. She took off her jacket, skirt and shirt. Leaving her in her tank top, and undergarments.

She heard something and looked at the sort of see through glass wall. She saw a figure about to knock on the door but he then walked away. It was Nick.

She sighed and turned the shower curtains into ones that were a fiery orange. Nick ran in but by the time he came in she turned them back to normal.

"Sorry, I thought the bathroom was on fire," he said confused.

"Well I needed to get you in here somehow," she said walking closer to him.

"What did you do?" he asked with a sexy look on his face.

"Well I just changed the colour of these curtains and you came running," she said grabbing his muscular arms.

"Clever, I didn't know you were this flirty," he said.

"I can be sometimes, when I'm very attracted to someone," she said tilting her head.

He nodded and then smiled leaning down to kiss her. Their lips collided and it was magic. They moved insinc.

As they kissed he grabbed her butt but then let go and used his telekinesis to close the door. She smiled on his lips and soon pulled his shirt over his head.

He then pulled her's off and she pulled off his undershirt revealing his muscles.

She ran her hands all over his chest as they made out and he slightly moaned.

Let's just say they had quite a bit of fun in that bathroom...



Hey guys I hope you like it! Sorry it's so late I just had writers block.



Chris Evans: One-Shots {REQUEST CLOSED INDEFINITELY}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang