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Billie Eilish makes me want to write, okay? Enjoy while I take a jealousy nap over the love between two unnamed characters I wrote myself.

He was in love, and she was confused.

He told her one day, after school in the library, before he left. Just a simple, "Love you," as friends, probably. Right?

She texted him a day later, to finalize weekend plans. She said, "See ya." He said, "Love you."

It continued for weeks, her confused, and him in love.

Her confusion increased when he took her to school grounds late at night and broke in to use the pool. She came to the conclusion that he would do anything for her when he took the blame and got suspended.

She asked him, over and over. "Why did you do that? Take the risk, and then the blame? It was stupid of you."

"Yeah, but it was fun." He smiled, and her confusion grew.

She started to understand why he hated her boyfriend. She was starting to dislike him, too. He was nice, but there was something missing. Passion, maybe. Or love.

She was never happier than those nights where he made living seem like the most exciting thing you could do. Those countless nights when he would call her and say he was outside. Those nights where she'd climb out the window and he'd drive them to the old park, the one with the big field, and if they ran fast enough, she cried, out of anything but sadness. Excitement, maybe. Or love.

Some of the best weeks of her life passed, and she had to ask him. "Why do you do this for me?"

He smiled and shook his head, never stopping their late night adventures.

He was there for her when she got broken up with, although she wasn't really upset. He knew she needed consistency, and things ending messed her up. He knew, and he was there. He said, "I love you," she said it back. And maybe she meant it.

He snuck her candy during class. He drove her to McDonald's at 3 a.m., and never once let a secret slip. She was confused, and he was in love.

When they ran through the field, she took his hand. She began to say "I love you" first. She realized that he may be the only consistency she needed.

He asked her why, and she just had to spit it out. "Oh my god, I'm in love with you."

There was a short silence, but a silence filled with love.

"I said, I love you." She repeated herself when he didn't answer.

"I..." He trailed off, and smiled. "I know."

She pushed him, and he fell further in love.

She cried like they were running through the field.



In secret.

In love.

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