Note One- Most Contracts have Dodgy Conditions, you know?!

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A/N: I hope you'll enjoy this! Here's a picture I drew of two of the characters. I posted it on Pixiv Sketch too


Knife slashing, cold blood-red eyes devoid of emotion.

Blood pooled around Airi's feet.

Beside her was a corpse.

Overcome with horror, Airi descended into incomprehensible cries. This was too much to handle, to understand. She regretted taking the offer to attend this school, the price for taking the scholarship much much worse than anticipated.

She had just witnessed a murder.


  Note One

The first day of high school.

Lazily struggling out of bed, Komaki Airi listlessly prepared for her grand entrance into the legendary 'Future Development Tensei Academy'- a mysterious, yet prestigious school that raises none other than societal geniuses.

Yet Airi was poor, dreadfully so. After losing her father to a corporate scumbag -that he so foolishly challenged to attain even more power- Airi was left on her lonesome. Within a world in which status was determined majorly on one's strength, wealth and intelligence; her family were unable to compete. 

'Yet how did Airi manage to make it into such an excellent Academy?' One may wonder. Currently absorbed in this train of thought herself- Airi mulled over this, whilst serving a breakfast of leftover food for herself, eating on a rickety, small table. 'It feels almost like a dream to be able to attend...It's too good to be true!' 

Acceptation for the scholarship was incredibly easy- all she had to do was fill out a questionnaire and pass a few exams. Upon reflection,Airi realised that the nature of the questionnaire was quite disconcerting. There were a good deal of questions testing her knowledge of anime, and particular the archetypal 'Dere types' that one grows used to seeing in such media.

'Eh, maybe they just want participants to have cultural awareness...' Airi mused, as she slipped into her rather Gothic- dark tartan skirt, cross necklace and black lace socks- interpretation of the school uniform, leaving her small, dilapidated house behind as she dragged her luggage to her new residence- the school itself. 


A coach- registered by the school to pick her up- blasted its horns in acknowledgement of her. Strangely enough, its appearance wasn't as pristine as she expected. Battered and bruised, it resembled a set-piece from a horror movie.

"Welcome, lucky transfer student...." An eerie voice beckoned her from within the coach. "Let's have a nice journey!" Face entirely masked with bandages and an assortment of misshapen eye patches, Airi couldn't glimpse their character at all. 'That's worrying as heck...Is this guy the correct driver?'

"You should learn to trust others more~" Their cheerful tone of voice sent a sudden jolt of fear down her spine.

"Ah, sorry..." Finally settling down, their journey to the school could begin. As she left her town, the sky began to pour with rain, clouds dark. With a grimace on her face, Airi could only hope for the best.

It was a long journey, passing through hills, countryside and even travelling beyond the motorway. The school that she was due to attend, 'Future Development Tensei Academy' ; was steeped in isolation. Curious, Airi inquired the driver about this school.

"There's two divisions in the Academy: one is for those of the Elite class, and the other division is for our most important group of students- ones who'll be raised to join the Peace Alliance Treatise Group."

At the very mention of that very group, Airi leapt out of her seat in excitement. "Isn't that the group that serves the government? The most powerful elite?" All Airi knew of this group is that they had enough power to avoid the heavy meritocratic (society determined by ability and power) world that her family had lost out to.

Airi's exclamation was responded to with a sparse moment of utmost silence. 

Then-with a voice heavily laced with malice; the driver replied. "They use whatever means necessary to uphold this society, whether its to the detriment of themselves, or others..." With a sudden cheerful chortle of laughter, they added "They're the good of society!"

Based on the driver's words, Airi severely doubted that. As she pondered whether to confront them or not; the glossy, black and gold gates of the Academy greeted them. Gazing at the Academy, Airi was awed by its tremendous height. Pillars, turrets, stain-glassed windows...The building was practically draped in a seemingly 'elite' aura. "This looks amazing..."

"Sorry, but that's the Elite Division." The coach took a violent swerve to the left, pebbles crunching loudly beneath the tires. "Your scholarship places you with the Peace Alliance students!~"

"That's great! I bet their grounds are even more beautiful, huh..." Airi was severely wrong in her judgement. The school resembled a public one, with simple build, and a dated design. What was even stranger was how small the dorm hall appeared to be. "Aren't there many students in this division...?" Slight worry clawed at her as her throat clasped slightly.

"Well they are the top division after all. There's meant to be only a few hundred students. It's a recent development, you know? I suppose they went with this design to promote the students having a humble background, despite graduating to become the best?" Even the driver couldn't provide an adequate answer. "Here it is. Good luck." The coach doors almost flew open with the force.

"Thank you, this journey was better than expected." Airi bowed politely, her vibrant orange twin-tails resting upon her shoulders. "Wish me all the best!" With a nervous gulp, she propelled off the coach, only to be hit with a paper slip. "?"

"That's my number. If anything dangerous happens, call me." The sudden shift in the driver's tone of voice chilled her to the bone.

"....Is there something I should be wary of?" Airi grabbed the slip of paper quickly. "Is this really the correct division, driver?"

"Haha, I was only joking! Don't show such a worried expression! Just keep the number, okay?" Although she couldn't see their face, she felt as if the driver was grimacing. 

"See you later.~" In an incredible hurry, the driver swerved away and drove off as fast as possible, leaving Airi stranded on the pebble path, alongside her luggage. 'That was seriously weird...'

She had no idea what she was getting into.

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