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(Skip to chapter one if you'd prefer not to read this! It's totally fine.)

A/N: Thank you for giving this story a try! As I can't give away much information in a Foreword, I wanted to provide the dear readers with a few preliminary bits of information first!

1) This story was created to read in a similar manner to light novels and visual novels. Many of these are made in Japan, and make for quite interesting, interactive reading. This does also mean that these stories do have quite a bit of world-building and dialogue though.

2) This story will be a slow-burner: I will do my best to introduce the setting and help you to get to know the characters in as fun a way as possible (if this fails, I apologise)

3) This is based off the many Dere-Types and their archetypal personalities. They appear often in Japanese media; and are often stereotypical characters. This story aims to see the underlying trials and tribulations of these kinds of characters, querying their roles.

4) All characters and setting are original. Although they are all based off anime cliches they're all created by me!

This story may read as a parody, or as a dramatic piece of literature. Either way, its created purely for enjoyment + to improve my writing skills! Hopefully you'll have fun reading this.

Additional note: It's fine if you're inspired to make your own characters, but this isn't a roleplay novel, so there won't be the addition of 'oc insert characters'. I apologise in advance for this.

Thank you very much! Please give 'Trapped with Cliched Anime and Manga Character Types?! 'a read!

(I just realised that even my profile name is in fact; a parody. lmao great!)

Trapped with Cliched Anime and Manga Character Types?!Where stories live. Discover now