Note Two- Kuudere Have the Strongest Glares (Part Two)

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Once they entered the classroom, all eyes spun towards them.

 The unison of their actions were unsettling. But what was even stranger was that besides Airi, Kou and their teacher, the classroom only contained four other students. This was especially bad news for Airi. 'If some don't even attend class, how will I be able to help them?' The room was musty, and cramped- maybe it was a blessing that it bordered upon empty.

"There you both are! Kou, and our transfer student! Greet them, everyone!" The teacher waved her hands happily at the two, her soft brown eyes cheerful. Airi's eyes traced over the students 'They seem alright...Except-' A long hand waving a blood-encrusted knife in the air as a means of greeting froze her blood entirely 'He's here. Yamai...'

"Put your knife down already!" The teacher scolded Yamai, pointing angrily at him. "You know you're only allowed to use weapons on missions!"

"...Missions?" Airi's question resulted in a quirk of the eyebrows from Yamai, and a horrified gasp from the teacher. "Ah, they're...just fun activities that the students do? To form bonds?" The teacher's flimsy response resulted in an derisive snort from a student with beautifully curled blonde hair and chandelier-designed earrings.

"My, my~ Such a poor excuse! You'll make the transfer drop out early if you continue to drop such hints!" Despite this comment, Airi's introduction started off without a single hitch, all students paying precise attention to her introduction until-

"This is fucking stupid. I'm out." With a sharp clatter of his desk, a student with bold red hair and a plain gym tracksuit kicks his chair to the side to leave. "Don't stop me."

"Good. Things would be better if you left this room. Leave!" Earrings chiming all the while, the pompous blonde lets out an infuriatingly nasal laugh. Spurred on by her provocation, the redhead strides powerfully towards her desk, landing a fist on top of it.

"Hinata. Shut up."

"Or what? You have no right to order me around!" A strong aura of malevolence passes between the two, as everybody tenses; preparing for combat. Overwhelmed, Airi stands, shocked by just how strong the personalities of these 'Dere-Type Virus' students were.

The aura snaps as soon as another student interjects. With a cheery disposition, yet cruel, strategically placed comments, they radiated an immense aura. "Eh~ Why don't you shut up already, Tsuchiya? Your 'tsun tsun' behaviour is starting to even get on my nerves! Let's make up okay~" With a patronising grin, they gave him a peace sign, his cat ears wiggling.

In that moment, Tsuchiya snapped. With flowing red tresses, he leapt onto the shorter student, ready to pummel him within an inch of his life. But his punch was defended easily by the cheery student. As soon as Tsuchiya launched another attack, a strong bolt of energy was sent throughout him, resulting in him clutching the obtrusive collar on his neck in pain, tears stinging his eyes.

"Stop it, Tsuchiya!" The teacher pouted, gripping a remote tightly. She was the one electrocuting the poor soul. "You know you're banned from fighting!" 

Stunned, Airi rushed over to the once intimidating Tsuchiya, her mind whirling in shock. Even Hinata leapt up in outrage, stringing an entire range of curses at the teacher to persuade her to stop.

"This is bad." Kou gritted her teeth in agony. "Stupid Yamai. Stop the teacher." 

Obeying her command, Yamai swiftly shot a small knife into the controller, cutting its power. Relieved, Tsuchiya clattered to the ground, as the cheerful student slid out from underneath him. "Nice save!"

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