Note Ten- Mayadere are Frightening Opponents!

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A/N: Hmm...I had to re-read the plot a couple of times. It may need some editing. Now it's time for the despair to begin!

Hmmm though I wish I didn't have to build up story arcs so much... Yet another kinda slow chapter >-<

When she awoke, it was at the crack of dawn- the inn eerily quiet. With only the moon to illuminate the world around her, Airi listlessly flopped out of bed; her  eyes straining to focus on the sparse wisps of light provided by the moon.

She desperately needed to go to the toilet!

'Agh...What a pain....But I really need to go...' Making sure not to disturb the slumbering Hinata and Kou, she softly helped herself up, vibrant hair spilling over her silken pyjamas. 'Say, Kou and Hinata seem to be very quiet sleepers...'

Intrigued by the idea of catching a glimpse of their sleeping faces, Airi shuffled as inconspicuously as possible across the frayed carpet flooring, laughing to herself all the while. But as soon as she approached the futons of the other two, all signs of cheer and mischief drained from her features.

Hinata and Kou's futon beds were empty.

Not only that, but the beds were extremely disorderly. As Airi scrutinised the room as intensely as possible, her amber irises widened in horror; as her dimly lit surroundings brightened. She could see everything now.

 The once the pristine decorated walls of the room were now bruised, ugly claw marks tearing through the wallpaper. Messy clothes and droplets of blood stained the floor beneath her feet.

And then she saw it. The worst thing of all.

Kou had left her umbrella behind.

Hands trembling, she picked up Kou's now-tattered, Gothic umbrella. '...What?!' Despair seemed to consume her entire being; as she apprehended the scene in front of her. 'How the HELL DID I SLEEP THROUGH THIS?!!!' A battle had raged around her and yet she had slept throughout the entire ordeal? Had Kou and Hinata had been forcibly removed from their rooms?

'H-how...?!! What...what should I do? Kou, Hinata... They need help!!' Mind racing with worry at the possibility of the two girls being harmed, Airi sprinted out of her room to look for help, arming herself with Kou's umbrella as a means of protection. Racing through pitch-black corridors, she almost breathed with relief once she had reached the boys' dorm. 

Hands ramming powerfully against the doors, Airi cried for help repeatedly, almost on the verge of crying. But nobody replied, nor did any of them open the door.  As she continued yelling, her hand grazed a sharp substance; reflexively leaping back to tend the wounds. 'Ouch...The hell was tha-'

All thoughts proceeded to a disruptive halt as soon as she recognised the state of the door. Countless knives poked out from the frail door frame, the intricacy of its paper design ruined. 

Those were Yamai's knives. 'WHAT?!' Airi couldn't believe this. There was absolutely no way that a guy like Yamai would leave his precious knives in such a state. 'What exactly.... What the fucking hell is going on?' Body trembling with terror, a malevolent thought tore at the strings of her sanity.

Had the boys been taken as well?

Obliterating the door with a frantic kick, Airi leapt into their dorm to confirm her deepest fears.


The boys had also been taken. Yet again, the room was dishevelled; reminiscent of the aftermath of a skirmish. The window had been destroyed entirely, glass scattered across the floor, making for a terrifying sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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