Note Nine- Once Everything Falls Apart

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A/N: Thank you ever so much for the kind response to this story! I'm glad to see that it's  being enjoyed. Now this arc will be somewhat darker....

"Makiri!" Yamai's voice trembled, as he flanked Airi with the utmost protectiveness, knives armed and ready. "Why are you here-" A twisted chortle disrupted Yamai, as Makiri's golden eyes flashed with amusement, Denka's grip not bothering him in the slightest.

"I wanted to visit the new transfer student, of course!~ So put those weapons away." Makiri laughs heartily. "I was thinking that it was due time for me to test them."

"That's just like you, isn't it?" Denka cut in, his expression anguished. "Always taking away those we hold dear...You bastard!" As Denka thrust a robed sleeve towards Makiri's face, the boy flipped- his platform sandals kicking Denka square in the head. Airi paled at the dexterity of Makiri. 'He possesses more skill than Yamai...This is not good.'

Landing perfectly onto the cobbled road of the Hot Springs town, his eyes narrowed. "It's not my fault that she left you, hmm?" Turning his head to the side, his face creased into a wide grin. "Who knows? You might get lucky enough to meet her."

At those words, Denka crumpled to the ground; hands gripping his purple locks of hair. He began to cry, tears pooling beneath him. "Unoha...Why?!" 

'Who is this Unoha that they're talking about?' Airi couldn't help but wonder. These thoughts were disrupted by Makiri spitting on the ground beside Denka's figure, eyes full of contempt.

"Perfect! I much prefer your face of despair to that one of joy you always wield. See ya." As he began to bound away, he suddenly jolted; turning back to face her. "Say, transfer student. What's your name?"

Extremely apprehensive of Makiri, she frowned as she moved to the right of Yamai's protective hold; as a way to catch a proper glimpse of his face. As she attempted to do this, Yamai gripped her shoulders with immense force, Airi glaring at him.

"Don't tell him your name. He'll use it against you." His eyes were pleading, face shadowed by the pale moon. "Please believe me." 

Such desperation tore at the strings of her heart. 'This guy...' Sighing, she gave in. "Alright. I won't tell him that, but let me at least talk to him first."

"Do you have to?" Faced with those strong, amber eyes; Yamai knew that he had to let go. "Alright. Just be careful, okay?" With that, Airi began on her way.

Makiri watched the scene playing before him with amusement, eyes dancing. 'To think that this transfer would be able to tame the Yandere already...' 

Leaning beside Denka, she passed him some tissues. "Here you go, Denka." She was worried to see the unusually cheerful Denka become as broken as this. 'That Makiri must be one heck of a guy.' "Oi, Makiri. Let me tell you one thing."

"What is it?"

"I won't stand for your abuse of the Dere-Types and Transfer students!" Airi declared, thrusting an arm in his direction. "If you want to challenge me, then go ahead!" At this, both Denka and Yamai leapt up in outrage, faces panic-stricken.

"What's this? You're willing to take me on? He-he." He leaned so close towards her that his breath ghosted on her face, blue tresses of hair tickling it. Perching his lips beside her ears, his usually lighthearted tone of voice became poisonous. "This is why I hate people from the fucking outside. You know nothing of us, yet think you can save us? Think you can fight us as equals? You don't even understand what our purpose is, do you?" Airi froze at his words. 

Sure, she didn't understand the true extent of the pain that they had suffered. But she definitely had started to forge bonds with them, right? Makiri's words filled her with doubt. 'He's right that I don't understand them...Do I really belong with-' Words uttered by Kou and Yamai of Makiri's manipulation rang through her mind, as she realised the nature of her thoughts. 

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