Note Two- Kuudere Have the Strongest Glares

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A/N: Kuudere are a type that acts cold at first, but becomes warm hearted around ones they love.

After that horrendous run-in with the school's very own principal, Airi rushed straight to her dorm room, her eyes full of tears, and spirits severely rattled. As soon as the door was shut behind her, she hurriedly noted down every single piece of information she could gleam from her mind. 'Apparently, if you don't hand this in, or help the students; you'll be punished.' With only half her wits, her pencil becomes a blur on the pages of the paper.

Note One- People in this school are sufferers of a virus that makes them behave like Dere-Type characters- but then why were they injected with strengthening gear in the first place? Possible issues here. Goal: To make them all become 'brilliant citizens of society'...How can I do that? If I try to escape, I'll be killed...Just what makes these students so important?

Her mind wonders back to the fellow students she met- the Gothic Lolita, cold-hearted Kou, and the wild and murderous Yamai. 'They seem like fellow students...Are they also transfers, or Dere-Type sufferers?' Both possessed extremely unusual behaviour. 'They're not as cute as the Dere Types are in anime..' Tired, she thrust her head onto the solid stiff bed, drifting into an uneasy, unstable period of sleep.

There was no sunshine the next day. Huddled into a ball, Airi vehemently refused to even take a single step out of her dorm. She was frightened by the students, the principle, everything...Until she could grasp the very reasoning behind the school, and its virus, she couldn't do anything at all!

Clear, sharp knocks on the door snapped her out of her reverie. 'I'll just pretend that I'm sleeping...I'm not going out today!' Regardless of her intentions and desires, a small, sharp knife slides in-between the gaps of the door, sending it bolting to the side. Sweat pulsating heavily down her back, Airi releases a piercing scream. "Go away!! Go! Go away!"

"I had to resort to extreme matters." Facing her was none other than Kou, dolled up in a breathtakingly pale white dress, whose light frills went past her feet. Cocking her head, alongside her short, black ringlets to the side, she contemplates the sorry state that Airi is in. "Apart from Yamai, none of the rest of us bite."

"But you're afflicted with the Dere-Type virus...That means that you guys possess incredibly dangerous-" Kou's emotionless, but piercing glare silences Airi's words. Taking a deep gulp, she stops abruptly.

"Besides from Yamai, and a few other students who were unlucky enough to inherit the more, ah...unusual...Dere Type personalities, the rest of us are fine, albeit a bit strange." In a swift motion, she rammed the metal part of her umbrella to the ground so powerfully that it pierced the ground. "But to deem us as dangerous just for having disorderly personalities is a pain. No human can be deemed as 'normal' in this world. Don't be hypocritical. "

Those words struck a chord. "You're right...I let the principal scare me. But for him to assign me to teach you all 'normal values'...I didn't quite understand it myself." Kou's words had subsided some of the fears that had been gnawing at her heart. Softly placing herself out of bed, she extended a hand to Kou. "Komaki Airi. Nice to meet you. I'm sorry for doubting you." For a short moment, Airi could swear that she saw  tears bubbling in Kou's brilliant eyes. For a moment, life blossomed in them, and then withered- all in the same moment.

"Hiyasu Kou. Welcome." With a small curtsy, she excused herself. "I'll wait for you outside."

Once she was dressed and ready, Airi hurried after Kou's incredibly fast pace. Despite those humongous platform heels, she seemed to iridescently glide across the glistening halls of the school grounds- that were majorly empty at the current moment. 'It's so empty...Ah! I should ask her what her Dere type is. Need to take notes!' As soon as Airi had whipped out her gear, Kou turned almost mechanically towards her. "You're finally about to ask."

How many times has her mind been read by these students? "Ah, yeah...What is your Dere Type, Kou?"

"Guess." Not even giving Airi a hint? Kou was especially cold.

"Well, I was supposing that you may be a Kuudere, because of that steely glare of yours, and cold attitude- but I'm not sure...Not only have you helped me twice, you're also willing to talk to me and help me out...Maybe a Himedere! Your sense of style is extravagant, and you seem to have a lot of pride!" Airi's answer was responded to by a hit on the forehead with Kou's laced umbrella. Clutching her head in pain, Airi yelped especially loudly. "That hurt!"

"Wrong answer. I'm a Kuudere."

"...But they're known to mainly help from the background! Or often only once the protagonist wins over their heart!! They're cold and silent! You're much too open to be a Kuudere!" Kou froze at the implication of those words, her glare incredibly fierce.

"...It was because of that...Because I was so cold...That I wasn't able to help the other one. So I changed a little. So it won't happen again." Her expression suddenly softened. "Let's go."

'The other one? Who is she talking about?' Scribbling this information within her notebook, the two finally entered class.

Note Two- Kuudere have the strongest glares...And can vary between cold and helpful at times. May be talkative if they feel a need to be. Secretly warm hearted.

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