Note Four- Some Secrets just aren't Worth Keeping

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Evening arrived. 

Worn out from scripting multitudes notes to describe the day, Airi sighed, as she lifted up an ornately framed picture of her family from her desk-side. 

Depicting her as a child, her mother, father and siblings, the picture was a poignant memory for Airi. 'I hope I'm doing them proud...' She tapped her feet anxiously. 'To think that I have to teach the Dere-Types the 'ways of society'.' It seemed like an impossible challenge. They were powerful, intelligent and extremely adapt students. Besides from the obvious danger that Yamai was, Airi couldn't figure out why they didn't 'fit' within society at all. After chewing over some suggestions, such as holding festivals and cultural events to deepen their understanding of the world, her stomach disrupted her with an inanely loud rumble. "Guess it's time to eat dinner!"

Stumbling through the dimly-lit corridors, Airi checked the rooms. As expected, the staff room was empty. Judging by the cleaning equipment nearby, it seemed as if cleaners also helped out within this segment of the school. Even the principal's room was empty. 'Seems there's nobody here at all...' As she nosily peered at the environment around her, she clattered into a strong steel door. Turning around to face it, she was horrified to see a large padlock attached to the door.

 It was rusted, reeking of age. 'I'd better not go in there,' Triumphing over her curiosity, she continued towards the canteen, unaware that by not entering, she had truly prevented herself from discovering an extremely dangerous revelation.

As soon as she entered the canteen, Airi rushed towards the food aisles, not bothering to look around the spacious, luxurious hall first. Although there was nobody at hand, multitudes of food was stocked. With a plate steaming with various meats, pasta, noodles-anything she could pry her eyes on-she clattered down with a start onto the closest table.

"....That was so loud..." A frail voice stunned her whilst eating, resulting on her choking on her food. A pale hand extended from an enormous quilt wrap, armed with water. "Drink."

Airi was not alone.

Facing her was a dishevelled student with hollow, sunken eyes, a small brown bob- cut and a plate stocked only with a hunk of beef on it. "Ah...Never seen you before." Nervously accepting the stranger's water, Airi mustered the courage to introduce herself. "The name's Airi! I'm a transfer student!" Face etched with sorrow and horror, the strange being jolted out of their seat.

"Another...transfer? WHY?!" Biting ferociously on their nails, the stranger cried. "Why would they take another!" The intensity of their response sent Airi on the edge. This human wasn't sane.

"What do you mean by another?" A shrill laugh escaped from the quilted being's mouth, as they apprehended Airi's question.

"What's this? You mean you don't know? foolish you are!" Their sudden change in personality was irritating. "What if I said that you were the 50th transfer scholarship student? Then what then, huh?"

"But I assumed that this transfer process was new..." Airi took a bite of her meal, regardless of the unsettling pit of dread she felt in her stomach. "50th? How comes there's only two of us here, then?" Kou's words from earlier on flitted through her mind. 'I wasn't able to help the other one'.

"..." Impressed by Airi's recognition of the abnormality of the situation, the stranger yells in joy, throwing her quilt wrap off her body to reveal an extremely dishevelled uniform beneath. "Exactly! It's strange, isn't it! So strange that it makes you wonder- why are they handing out so many scholarships? How comes that aside from us, only Dere-Type students are admitted to school?" Thrusting out her hands passionately, arching her head back she screams. "There's so many questions to ask-"

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