Note Three- A Normal (?) First Day (Part Two)

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The rest of the day passing almost as if it was a blur- Airi's mind had relaxed, the immense fear felt at the beginning of the day becoming naught but a distant memory. 

Yet another dull, ordinary class. One after another. It was the complete opposite of the hell that the principal promised her. 

 Hands lazily rested upon her chin, her amber eyes seemed bored, disappointed.'These Dere-Type inflicted students are pretty normal...Besides their usage of weapons, there's not much to them..' Little did she know that this train of thought was incredibly misleading. As soon as the bell signalled the end of their 'Human Relations' lesson on the cultures of the world, the class leapt up vivaciously, screams of enjoyment ringing from Yamai's mouth. The sudden noise made Airi jolt out of her desk, sprawled across the floor.

"Your squeal of excitement disturbed her, Yamai!" Hinata snorted, as she gave Airi a hand. "Sorry, new one. We become rather excited when its time for gym class, you see~" 

As the students filtered incredibly quickly out of the classroom, Hinata ran after them, screeching "You shall not leave me behind!" Left behind by their wake, Airi could only direct a confused glance with their current teacher. With thick rimmed glasses and a bowl cut, they were quite the image.

"Seriously...They bore of learning about the outside, yet squeal like birds for gym...What a group of muscle-headed idiots!" Realising that Airi was still in the room, they shirked back, embarrassed. "You should go to class now."

By the time she was prepared and dressed for gym, Airi was greeted by an amazing sight. The students were swinging on bars almost four feet in height, leaping over bounds, engaging in combat training, performing cartwheels...Even Tsuchiya had joined the fray. He was currently engaging in lively conversation with the gym teacher, his expression oddly cheerful. "Eh?" As soon as she spoke, all activity ceased. Approaching her with a simple green tracksuit, a lazily tied ponytail of messy black hair and a warm smile was the teacher herself.

"Glad to see you could make it to last class" The gym teacher slapped their hands together enthusiastically. "Today, we'll be testing your abilities! You can call me Manaka."

"Nice to meet you..." 'Testing her abilities'? Within society, students were encouraged to train in martial arts and fitness from a very young age, so that they could become powerful adults that could fight to enhance their standings in the world. Airi had been through rigorous training for the entirety of her life thus far to pass these tests. 'This is unfair...I haven't prepared at all for a physical examination!' Aware of her stress, Hinata, Kou and Denka gave her reassuring smiles; whilst Manaka's eyes seemed to be boring drills into Airi's soul.

"It'll be fine! I can assure you it's at the same level of physical examination in regular schools. Besides," Lacing an arm causally around a reddened Tsuchiya, she adds "Our best student here will be able to help you if things get tough. Let's start!!"

Those words were all lies. With a examination regimen straight from the gaping jaws of hell, they were forced to perform sit-ups, push-ups, laps, hurdles and climbing challenges in class.

'Same level as other schools?' Manaka's words rang in Airi's ears as she suffocated, running her 15th lap across the school gym, the others speeding incredibly fast. Already on his 50th and final lap, Tsuchiya yelled with joy. Even the petite Kou was far ahead, sprinting at an unbelievable pace. 'How aren't they tired yet? These students are beasts!'

Whilst Airi was still lagging, her laps progressing slowly; the others were now fully engaged in combat with one another, powerful kicks and punches resounding brilliantly. In particular, Yamai and Hinata's sparring was especially aggressive and violent, bruising one another with pernicious kicks. On the other hand, Denka and Kou's contact was sparse, both effectively dodging and weaving around one another's attacks. "I want to fight soon!!" Legs trembling in anticipation, Tsuchiya was benched, his expression fierce. "This is so boring..."

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