Note Six- Letter of Challenge: Beware of the Yandere! (1)

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A/N: Slow build-up is OVER. Time to get serious, to truly explore this world!

Plagued by a sleep riddled with restless thoughts and pools of blood; Airi barely slept for longer than four hours. After being rushed to her room by Kou and the others, worry had tore at her heart the entire night.

Opening the window, sunlight greeted her for the first time ever since her arrival. 'I don't want to go...' She was frightened by the upcoming challenge; at the possibility that her classmates were all ruthless murderers. About to resign herself to a fate similar to Mira's, Airi flopped back onto her bed- until memories of Kou's help clouded her heart with guilt.

'Even if she's a tool, she still helped me, didn't she?' To not face Kou after the -small, but kind- deeds she performed would be an injustice, despite her background. Kou had faced Airi with as much of her being as possible.

It'd be wrong for Airi to give up on her now.

And what about the other students? Sure, they were archetypal characters, with almost-scripted personality traits, but besides from Yamai all had tried to help Airi settle in.

The mysteries concerning their true nature feared her. But Airi felt as if she needed to give them another chance, to truly understand them.

'Besides, I'm trapped here regardless...Guess I have to play along.' Tying her fierce orange locks into dark, red ribbons, Airi exerted all of her effort to stride out of her room...

...Only to be faced with the dreaded letter. Lying in front of her was a small parchment, with the words 'Letter of Challenge' blazing across the front.

'How archaic...'  Who would've thought that such an old ceremonial practice would be used by one as psychopathic as Yamai? Prying open the letter reluctantly, her eyes widened in terror as she regarded its contents.


Gym at midday. Without weapons, we'll fight.

If you lose, you'll be killed.

I'm doing this for you, okay?


 From that moment, Airi found it much more difficult to make her way to class.

Meanwhile, her five classmates were waiting idly for homeroom to start, their teacher nervously tapping her manicured nails against her desk. Decked in a bright neon orange suit, she placed her head in her hands. "Do you think the transfer will come?"

"Obviously not." Even Tsuchiya had decided to attend a class other than gym for once. "I saw the fear in her eyes. She's done for."

"What does it matter? What's worse is that she caught us last night. We may receive a punishment for that," Hinata was fiercely filing her nails,  diamond applique falling off them. "Say, Kou. What was the longest amount of time that a transfer stayed here for?"

"Four months." Kou's expression was much colder than usual, her eyes a blistering red- after expelling a night's worth of tears. "That was our first transfer, though."

"Exactly! She'll be gone soon; especially since Yamai has challenged her."

"On that topic, where has he gone?" Denka scratched his chin in thought. "That bastard..."

As soon as Tsuchiya was to provide him with a stable answer, Airi smashed the classroom doors open, her eyes wide with fear; but stance powerful. 

"I'm here."

At those words, the class jumped in surprise, Kou uncharacteristically crushing Airi in a powerful hug. "Kou?" As Airi peered down at the petite girl, she was shocked to see that she was crying. 'Even though we only met two days ago...' "Why do you all look so pleased to see me here?"

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