➸ His Queen Of Hearts

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[I'm back, bitches. Yes, excuse my foul language.]

Author: silver_dustXX

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Author: silver_dustXX

Title: I love the title of the book. It's just romantic and I love it. Period.

Description: Well, I don't have any criticism in this part. It was written beautifully and I have no complaints. Absolutely loved it.

Punctuation: You pulled off the description quite well but when it came to punctuation. You have few steps to keep in mind.

Quotation marks [“”]: When you close quotation mark, you need to add a punctuation. It's absolutely necessary. While you added punctuation marks in a few places, you did forget to add it in some places.

Now that we have discussed that we use punctuation before closing quotation marks, let's see where a comma or a period should be used.

→ Comma [,]: A comma should be used when you add dialogue tags. Dialogue tags are the small phrase that are added before, after or in the middle of the sentence.

For example–“Hey there,” I say. “Haven't seen you in a while.” My voice is light and airy.

‘I say’ is the dialogue tag but ‘my voice is light and airy’ is not.

→ Period [.]: Use a period when you don't add a dialogue tag.

Example–“You don't have to do this.” Tears roll down my cheek.

➸ Spacing: Change paragraphs when the other person speaks. I tend to get confused when there's no spacing in two dialogues of two different people. When Anika finishes saying something, change paragraph then write Shivaay's dialogues.

“Your kanji eyes change colors. Blue? Green? Grey? I don't know,” Anika whispered, unable to breath properly in the close proximity.

“Now what's kanji? Is it Chinese?” Shivaay whispered back, confused.

Scenes: When you change scenes, use some symbols to separate them. Most people use [***] or [–––]. The advantage of this is that readers won't get confused when suddenly another scene starts. Also, if you don't like using symbols just give enough spacing.

Paragraphs: Giving paragraphs correctly is important. Since you're writing in omniscient point of view, you have access to everybody's thoughts, right? So when you're writing Gauri's thought and want to write Om's thoughts after that, then add a new paragraph. A paragraph should be changed when you introduce new ideas.

Overall: The story is so good and the characters [read that as Shivaay] are so good. I swear I love them. With editing, the story will turn out beautiful. Good luck for the new book you have started though.

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