Part 1

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As it was most of these summer days, I was hanging with my friends. I tended to spend most of my days off and especially summer day at my best friend Julia's house. Of course we always had an ample supply of friends to bring over, the squad, Me, Julia, Angela, Melissa, Lily and maybe some others. But it was always almost at Julia's place because her parents were super lax and her house was huge.

This night it was particularly hot and none of us could, or wanted to sleep. We had already gone through the typical entertainment, prank calls, YouTube, Netflix, but we were still bored and hot. We decided to do something special we hadn't done in a while. We decided to do some classic dares with a little bit of money involved. We all sat in a circle on the floor of Julia's large bedroom. I was the first to start,

"Julia, I dare you to message Austin and ask him fore nudes." I said. She had a crush on Austin since basically forever, and haven't gone beyond friends so I wanted to see what she'd do.

"How much am I being paid? Better bee good ass money" Julia said.

"How about a dollar" I said.

"That's it?"




"Hell no."

Finally Lily stepped in and said, "Since I wanna see this happen I'll pitch in a two bucks."

"So $4?" I said to Julia.


"Well?" I said as Julia sat considering.

"Okay fine whatever, what could go wrong. I can just say I was kidding." Julia said reluctantly.

As the night continued dares got more and more ridiculous, and we had plenty more money to throw around.

"Three bucks and you swallow a penny."


"$1 and write penis on your forehead with a sharpie."


"Super glue you thumb and index finger together"

"How much?"

"Just do it"


The longer this went on the more immature the dares got, and the more tired and crazy we each became. Finally it came around and it was Julia's turn to give me a dare. Now I'll remind you I'd been pretty brutal on my dares, and cheap on my deals so Julia was ready thirsty for revenge.

"Hurry up Julia I have to take a piss" I said as I regretted drinking all that soda earlier. Julia sat for a few more seconds at I twisted my legs around to find the most comfortable position. Suddenly a smirk materialized on Julia's face.

"You just gave me an idea" she said.

Oh shit, I thought, what could she possibly do.

"I quintuple dog dare you to..."

"Hurry the fuck up" I said

"Can we get a drum roll here please" said Julia as I rolled my eyes.

"I dare you, Ava G. Sorensen, to pee, into your pants."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I said.

"I mean, I don't know, I can't think of anything its just funny."

"Did you really think I'd even consider doing that"

"Uhhh... No?"

"That's what I thought" I said confidently.

"Honestly I'd pay a solid $10 just to see this shit go down" said Angela.

"I'm not ruining my panties for $10, who even are you"

"I'll pitch in $5 because I'm broke" said Julia.

"I'm bored anyways, $5" said Lily.

"Fuck it I'll do $10" said Melissa.

$30 dollars was a considerable price. I wasn't wearing anything fancy either, just plain old white underwear and some old PJ's that could be washed easily.

"C'mon Ava you've been making us do crazy shit all night now it's your turn" said Melissa

I sat there for a good minute considering my options.

"Yeah sure why not"

The jubilation was visible on all their faces.

"So what? You want me to piss on your carpet right here?"

"We could do it in the shower I guess" said Angela

"Let's see it" said Julia, and we all proceed to jam in the tiny bathroom.

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