Casper's [P.O.V.]

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I've just said hello into the mic, and I'm not sure if the Radio is even working. A small voice speaks back, "Uhm, hi?" My hand slips in my surprise and I hit my head on the desk. "Shit." "Are you okay?" The voice sounds like a female. "Not really," I laugh, rubbing my head, dumbstruck. "Oh," Yep, definitely female. "Why?" She asks, and I'm sorta confused. "What do you mean?" My head throbs, but geez am I excited that this girl is talking to me. "Why did you contact Classic Sense?" Oh shit, I've contacted some place. I sigh loudly, "Well," I say to her, or rather, to the mic, "It's a long story." There's silence before she says quietly, "Well, its a good thing I have some time."

She giggles, "Wow, that was sorta a longish story." I chuckle, "Yeah, I guess it was. So, do you have a story to tell me? About why you're up at 3:30 Am in the morning talking to me?" She does, and so she tells me, all about these parents of her's, all about this 'Gus' guy and the drinking, her car, her music and her friends. By the time she's finished, its half past four and my eyes are basically bleeding but I haven't ever talked to a stranger like this before, except for Cherry. And I sort of really like this girl already. "Christ!" She laughs, "I can't believe I'm talking to a stranger about this! I don't even know your name!" This is the question I've been dreading, "Uh..." I have three options here to choose from; 1) Tell her the truth. My name, everything over time. 2) Give her a fake name, fake everything. 3) Hang up and forget this conversation ever existed. I opt for number one, "I'm Casper," I say. "Well, hi Casper!" She says cheerfully, "I'm Billie." What? A guy? My head is spinning? Maybe he's gay? I'm not! "But I'm a girl!" The voice laughs, "Promise. My name is spelt with an 'ie' not a 'y'." "Ohhhhh." I nod my head. I can almost feel her smile through the mic and lord only knows how much I hope she knows that I'm smiling just as much. 





Hi! I'm not sure if anyone actually reads this story, but anyways! It would mean a lot if you dropped a vote if you liked this chapter!


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